How to Cancel Synergita
To cancel a Synergita product subscription, follow these steps:
Notification of Termination
- The subscription cannot be terminated during the initial one-year term. After this period, you must provide written notice of termination at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the then-current term.
Procedure for Termination
- Send a written notice of termination to Synergita via registered or certified mail or email. The notice will be deemed served 24 hours after dispatch in the case of an email and 4 days after dispatch in the case of registered or certified mail.
Data Retrieval
- Upon termination, your data will be available for a maximum period of 60 days, during which time you can download or back up the data. After the 60-day period, the data will be automatically deleted from the server, and Synergita will not be responsible for the loss of data beyond this period.
Payment and Access
- Ensure all outstanding payments are made before the termination date. Failure to make payments within 15 days of the invoice date can result in an interest charge of 12% per annum and may lead to Synergita blocking system access.
Final Steps
- After the termination notice is served and all payments are settled, Synergita will process the termination. Note that Synergita may retain data related to billing and subscription for accounting and legal reasons.