How to Cancel Airkit Subscription - Subscribed.FYI
Customer Relationship Management


Airkit is a low-code Digital Customer Experience (DCX) platform, streamlining customer journeys with hyper-personalization across web, mobile, voice, and email channels. It accelerates development, enhances satisfaction, and suits various teams and businesses.

How to Cancel Airkit Subscription

Considering discontinuing your Airkit subscription? This guide outlines a streamlined approach to effectively cancel your subscription, ensuring a smooth transition and clear understanding of the process.

Subscription Cancellation and Termination:

Airkit requires written notice to cancel a subscription. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Review Subscription Terms: Begin by reviewing the terms outlined in your Order Document to understand the initial term length and automatic renewal conditions.
  2. Prepare Written Notice: Draft a written notice of non-renewal or termination. Ensure this notice includes sufficient detail, particularly if you are terminating due to a breach of agreement.
  3. Notice Period: For non-renewal, provide written notice at least thirty (30) days before the end of the current term. For termination due to a material breach, provide a thirty (30) day notice (or ten (10) days in the case of nonpayment), allowing the breaching party time to cure the breach.
  4. Send Notice: Submit your written notice to Airkit via email at [email protected]. Make sure your notice explicitly states your intent to terminate and includes all necessary details regarding any breach, if applicable.
  5. Confirmation: After sending your termination notice, expect a confirmation from Airkit acknowledging receipt and processing of your request.
  6. Follow-Up: If you do not receive a confirmation within a reasonable period, follow up with Airkit to ensure your notice was received and is being processed.

Important Considerations:

  • Automatic Renewal: Be mindful of the automatic renewal clause in your Order Document. Timely submission of your non-renewal notice is crucial to avoid unintended renewal of your subscription.
  • Outstanding Payments: Ensure all outstanding fees are settled prior to termination to avoid complications. Airkit may not process your termination if there are unpaid fees.
  • Data Access: Before terminating your subscription, consider exporting any essential data or information, as access to the platform may be restricted post-termination.
  • Contractual Obligations: Understand which sections of the agreement will survive termination, such as confidentiality obligations, intellectual property rights, and accrued payment rights.

By following these steps, you can efficiently terminate your Airkit subscription while adhering to contractual requirements. This ensures a clear and professional end to your subscription services with Airkit.

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