How to Cancel BeFunky
To cancel your BeFunky Plus subscription, follow these steps:
Canceling from Your Computer
- Navigate to your My Account page by clicking your avatar icon in the top right corner of your screen.
- From your Account page, scroll down to find the Subscriptions section.
- Under the Subscriptions section, select Cancel My Subscription.
- A secondary pop-up box will appear allowing you to confirm your cancellation, including the date your subscription will remain active. You will also receive an email to the email address linked to the subscription, confirming the cancellation.
- Select the Cancel Subscription button to confirm your cancellation.
Canceling a Mobile App Subscription
If you upgraded your subscription via the BeFunky mobile app on your smartphone, you will need to manage the subscription through the respective app store.
- For Android devices, go to the Google Play Store, find your subscriptions, and cancel the BeFunky subscription there.
- For iOS devices, go to the Apple App Store, find your subscriptions, and cancel the BeFunky subscription there.
Important Notes
- If your Account page shows ‘Free’ and you are trying to cancel a Plus subscription, ensure you are signed into the correct account. Sign out and then sign back into your Plus account to proceed with the cancellation.
- All purchases of BeFunky Plus subscriptions are final and non-refundable, as per their Terms of Service and Renewal Policy. If you fail to cancel your subscription before the end of a trial period or before the renewal date, you will be responsible for the charge on the subscription.