Big data tools: Hadoop, Spark, Flink - Subscribed.FYI

Big data tools: Hadoop, Spark, Flink

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Big Data Tools: Hadoop, Spark, Flink – Choosing the Right Framework for Your Data Needs

In the rapidly evolving world of big data, choosing the right framework is critical to ensure that you can efficiently process and analyze the massive amounts of data at your disposal. Three of the most prominent tools in this domain are Hadoop, Spark, and Flink. In this article, we’ll delve into the characteristics of these tools and help you make an informed decision on which one is best suited for your specific data processing requirements.

Understanding Hadoop

Hadoop, an Apache-based open-source framework written in Java, is renowned for its prowess in distributed storage using the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and distributed processing through the Map-Reduce programming model. Hadoop utilizes clusters of commodity hardware, providing features like low cost, fault tolerance, scalability, and high availability. Moreover, it boasts a vast ecosystem with numerous tools built on top of it, enhancing its capabilities.

Hadoop primarily excels in batch processing and is exceptionally efficient in handling large datasets. Its computation model is batch-oriented, and it supports continuous data flows. While it’s slightly slower than Spark and Flink, it remains highly scalable.

Unpacking Spark’s Potential

Spark, an open-source processing engine, stands out for its versatility in analytics operations. Designed to be fast and suitable for various applications, including batch processing, machine learning, streaming data processing, and interactive queries, Spark leverages in-memory processing and offers a tightly integrated component system. It supports both batch and stream processing and employs a micro-batch processing model. Spark’s cyclic data flow is represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), providing considerable flexibility.

What sets Spark apart is its automatic memory management, enhancing its performance and fault tolerance. It supports languages like Java, Python, R, and Scala and can cache data in memory, improving efficiency.

The Next-Generation Stream Processing: Flink

Flink is the next-generation stream processing engine, offering high-performance data streaming capabilities under the Apache license. While it supports various types of processing, it is renowned for its stream processing speed, often outperforming both Hadoop and Spark. Flink excels in low latency and high throughput applications.

Flink’s key strengths include iterative processing, which is vital for machine learning, and its continuous operator-based streaming model. It supports Java, Python, R, and Scala and implements automatic memory management.

Comparing the Three

To help you decide which tool is right for your needs, let’s compare Hadoop, Spark, and Flink across various parameters:

Data Processing:

  • Hadoop: Mainly designed for batch processing.
  • Spark: Supports both batch and stream processing.
  • Flink: Supports both batch and stream processing with a single runtime.

Stream Engine:

  • Hadoop: Takes the complete dataset as input at once.
  • Spark: Processes data streams in micro-batches.
  • Flink: Utilizes true streaming engines for various workloads.

Data Flow:

  • Hadoop: Linear data flow without loops.
  • Spark: Supports cyclic data flow represented as a DAG.
  • Flink: Utilizes controlled cyclic dependency graphs efficiently, ideal for ML algorithms.

Computation Model:

  • Hadoop: Batch-oriented model.
  • Spark: Micro-batching computational model.
  • Flink: Continuous operator-based streaming model.


  • Hadoop: Slower than Spark and Flink.
  • Spark: Faster than Hadoop but slower than Flink.
  • Flink: Highest performance among the three.

Memory Management:

  • Hadoop: Configurable memory management.
  • Spark: Automatic memory management.
  • Flink: Automatic memory management.

Fault Tolerance:

  • Hadoop: Highly fault-tolerant using replication.
  • Spark: Fault tolerance through lineage.
  • Flink: Fault tolerance based on Chandy-Lamport distributed snapshots.


  • Hadoop: Highly scalable.
  • Spark: Highly scalable.
  • Flink: Highly scalable.

Iterative Processing:

  • Hadoop: Does not support iterative processing.
  • Spark: Supports iterative processing.
  • Flink: Supports iterative processing with its streaming architecture.

Supported Languages:

  • Hadoop: Java, C, C++, Python, Perl, groovy, Ruby, etc.
  • Spark: Java, Python, R, Scala.
  • Flink: Java, Python, R, Scala.


  • Hadoop: Uses less expensive commodity hardware.
  • Spark: Requires high-level hardware, relatively higher cost.
  • Flink: Also needs high-level hardware, relatively higher cost.


  • Hadoop: No abstraction in Map-Reduce.
  • Spark: Utilizes Spark RDD abstraction.
  • Flink: Supports Dataset abstraction for batch and DataStreams.

SQL Support:

  • Hadoop: Users can run SQL queries using Apache Hive.
  • Spark: Users can run SQL queries using Spark-SQL and supports Hive for SQL.
  • Flink: Supports Table-API, similar to SQL expression.


  • Hadoop: Cannot cache data.
  • Spark: Can cache data in memory.
  • Flink: Can also cache data in memory.

Hardware Requirements:

  • Hadoop: Runs well on less expensive commodity hardware.
  • Spark: Requires high-level hardware.
  • Flink: Also needs high-level hardware.

Machine Learning:

  • Hadoop: Utilizes Apache Mahout for ML.
  • Spark: Employs its own ML libraries for powerful ML algorithm implementation.
  • Flink: Utilizes the FlinkML library for ML implementation.

Line of Code:

  • Hadoop: Hadoop 2.0 has 1,20,000 lines of code.
  • Spark: Developed in 20,000 lines of code.
  • Flink: Developed in Scala and Java, with fewer lines of code than Hadoop.

High Availability:

  • Hadoop, Spark, and Flink: Configurable in High Availability Mode.

Amazon S3 Connector:

  • Hadoop, Spark, and Flink: Provide support for Amazon S3 Connector.

Backpressure Handling:

  • Hadoop: Handles backpressure through manual configuration.
  • Spark: Also handles backpressure through manual configuration.
  • Flink: Handles backpressure implicitly through its system architecture.

Criteria for Windows:

  • Hadoop: Does not have any window criteria since it does not support streaming.
  • Spark: Has time-based window criteria.
  • Flink: Has record-based Flink Window criteria.

Apache License:

  • Hadoop, Spark, and Flink: All use Apache License 2.

Making Your Decision

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of Hadoop, Spark, and Flink, you can make an informed choice based on your specific data processing needs. Whether you require high performance, fault tolerance, scalability, or specialized features like machine learning, there’s a big data tool that’s right for you.

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