Boost Productivity with Key Click Pro: Track Keystrokes and Mouse Clicks - Subscribed.FYI

Boost Productivity with Key Click Pro: Track Keystrokes and Mouse Clicks

- Automation Tools

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Are you someone who’s always looking for ways to boost your productivity and make the most of your computer time? If you’re a macOS user, we have an incredible tool for you. Key Click Pro is here to revolutionize the way you track your productivity by monitoring your keystrokes and mouse clicks, providing invaluable insights into your computer usage patterns. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or anyone who spends a significant amount of time on their computer, Key Click Pro can help you optimize your digital interactions.

Key Click Pro for macOS

Key Click Pro is a specialized macOS app meticulously designed to help you understand and enhance your computer interactions. It goes beyond just counting keystrokes and mouse clicks; it provides you with a comprehensive overview of your digital habits, helping you make informed decisions on improving your productivity.

Features and Functions

Activity Tracking

At its core, Key Click Pro counts the number of keystrokes and mouse clicks you make throughout the day. This data is invaluable in understanding how you interact with your computer and how productive you are during your digital sessions.

Historical Stats

With the ‘Historical Stats’ feature, you can easily access a detailed breakdown of your activity. This option allows you to analyze your interaction patterns over time, helping you identify trends and areas for improvement.

Settings Customization

Key Click Pro can be tailored to your specific needs. The ‘Settings’ option enables you to customize the app’s behavior, making it a tool that aligns perfectly with your preferences and requirements.

Lightweight Design

Despite its powerful features, Key Click Pro is designed to be lightweight. This ensures that your system’s performance remains unaffected while you track your productivity.

Multi-monitor Support

Whether you use a single screen or a multi-monitor setup, Key Click Pro integrates seamlessly. It adapts to your workflow, regardless of your monitor configuration.

Offline Usability

Worried about internet connectivity? Don’t be. While certain advanced features may require an internet connection, the core functions of Key Click Pro work perfectly offline, allowing you to track your productivity wherever you are.

Regular Software Updates

Key Click Pro doesn’t stagnate; it grows with you. You can stay up to date with regular automatic software updates. You have the flexibility to install them either automatically or manually, depending on your preference.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about Key Click Pro:

Q: What is Key Click Pro? A: Key Click Pro is a macOS app designed to track your daily keystrokes and mouse clicks, offering insights into your computer usage.

Q: Can I reset the keystroke and mouse click count? A: Absolutely! Users can reset the counts anytime via the ‘Reset Counts’ option in the menu.

Q: Is my sensitive data safe with Key Click Pro? A: Yes, your privacy is paramount. Key Click Pro counts interactions without recording the actual content or elements clicked.

Q: How can I export my data? A: As of now, data export functionality is not supported in Key Click Pro.

Q: What macOS versions support Key Click Pro? A: Key Click Pro is compatible with macOS 10.14 and above.

And many more questions are answered in the app’s ‘Help & FAQs’ section, ensuring you have all the information you need.

Wrapping Up

Key Click Pro isn’t just another app; it’s a powerful tool designed to help users understand and enhance their computer interactions. With its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and a strong commitment to privacy, Key Click Pro is a must-have for anyone keen on optimizing their digital productivity.


Key Click Pro is available for the unbeatable price of $0.99 as a lifetime purchase. This nominal fee not only grants you access to this incredible tool but also supports the developer’s work, ensuring the app’s continued development and maintenance. Your support makes a difference.

Get Key Click Pro from the macOS App Store

And don’t forget to check out Key Click Pro on Product Hunt for more insights and discussions.

So, why wait? Start your journey towards enhanced productivity with Key Click Pro today. Download it now and take control of your digital life.

Remember, understanding your digital habits is the first step towards making meaningful changes. Boost your productivity and optimize your computer interactions with Key Click Pro!

For more updates and to connect with the developer, visit Eric Smith’s LinkedIn profile.

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