Chtrbx: AI chatbots for business growth - Subscribed.FYI

Chtrbx: AI chatbots for business growth

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Chtrbx: Transform Your Business with AI-Powered Chat

Unleashing the Power of Chtrbx AI Chatbot for Business Growth

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, customer engagement is key to business success. Chtrbx introduces a groundbreaking solution – an AI-powered chatbot customized to be your brand ambassador. This innovative tool not only elevates website engagement but also provides valuable customer insights to propel your business forward.

Do You Know What Your Visitors Think?

Chtrbx’s AI-powered chatbots are more than just virtual assistants; they are your eyes and ears into the minds of your website visitors. Setting up a chatbot is a breeze, taking less than five minutes! And the best part – it’s free to create your own AI chatbot with no credit card required.

  1. Create a Free Chatbot:
    • No credit card required.
    • Everything you need to create your own AI Chatbot.
  2. Add Content:
    • Use various file types and even turn websites into data to power your chatbot.
  3. Starts Training Automatically:
    • Your chatbot begins training on your files and data as soon as it’s uploaded to Chtrbx.
  4. Your Chatbot is Ready:
    • In just a few minutes, you will have a chatbot powered by your files and data.
  5. Deploy to Your Website:
    • Instantly deploy the chatbot by copying and pasting a few lines of code.

Ready to witness the magic? Create your Free Chatbot

Reporting Metrics: Advanced Analytics and Chat History

Chtrbx doesn’t just stop at creating a chatbot; it provides you with the tools to analyze and optimize its performance.

  1. Analytics:
    • Gain a clear and concise view of essential metrics.
    • Visualize data with easy-to-understand graphs and charts.
    • Drill down further to discover valuable trends and patterns.
  2. Chat History:
    • Access past interactions for a deeper understanding of customer needs.
    • Continuously improve your customer service quality based on historical data.
  3. Integrations:
    • Upload various file types (pdf, csv, .doc, .docx, .txt, .json, etc.) to train your Chatbot.

How It Works: Creating Chatbots Made Easy

  1. Sign Up:
  2. Add Your Data:
    • Include your website URL, pdf, word, doc, txt files for training the bot.
  3. Deploy Your Chatbot:
    • Get an embed code that can be easily pasted on your current website to deploy the chatbot.

Pricing for All Businesses

Imagine a world where your business not only understands but anticipates your customers’ needs. Chtrbx makes this a reality, leveraging AI to provide relevant offers and recommendations, boosting customer engagement and loyalty. According to Accenture, 91% of consumers prefer brands offering personalized experiences.

And the results are compelling! McKinsey highlights that companies investing in AI witness a revenue uplift of 3 to 15 percent and a sales ROI uplift of 10 to 20 percent.

Witness Chtrbx in Action: Check out the Demo

Did we mention it’s free to sign up? Your feedback is invaluable as we navigate the Product Hunt waters as a newbie. Grateful to be among such talented individuals. Let’s revolutionize your business together! #Chtrbx #AIRevolution #ProductHuntDebut

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