CodebaseChat: Instantly Craft GPT Chatbots for GitHub Repos in 30s - Free and Open Source - Subscribed.FYI

CodebaseChat: Instantly Craft GPT Chatbots for GitHub Repos in 30s – Free and Open Source

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CodebaseChat: Building GPT-Powered Chatbots for GitHub Repos in Minutes

In the realm where coding meets conversation, CodebaseChat emerges as a game-changer. Imagine creating a GPT-powered chatbot for any GitHub repository in just 30 seconds! This article will delve into the features, benefits, and the simple process behind this revolutionary tool.

Unlocking CodebaseChat: Chat with Your Codebase in Seconds

Want to chat with your codebase? CodebaseChat makes it possible by creating an OpenAI GPT with knowledge about any GitHub repository. Simply provide a URL, and CodebaseChat generates a chatbot for you, 100% free and open source.

Building Your GPT Chatbot: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Enter your GitHub repository URL:
    • CodebaseChat crawls your repository and emails you an index file.
    • GitHub Repo Link: Sample Repo
    • Email: [Your Email]
  2. Upload your GPT codebase file:
    • Receive an email with a link to a file (e.g.,
    • Upload the file to OpenAI to create your custom codebase GPT.

How CodebaseChat Works: Unveiling the Magic

CodebaseChat clones and crawls your repository to create a file, allowing you to upload it to OpenAI’s new GPTs or Assistants. Perfect for overcoming the 20-file limit, this tool enables seamless operation over large amounts of data.

Introducing CodebaseChat: Your Codebase Companion

We’re thrilled to introduce CodebaseChat, a tool that builds a GPT chatbot for any GitHub repo in just 30 seconds! ⏲️ Whether you’re onboarding to a new codebase or seeking clarity on a familiar one, CodebaseChat can get you unstuck. Use it to make sense of system design or ask for a high-level explanation, even if you’re less technical.

The Origin Story: From Concept to Open Source

How it started: The creators were engrossed in building, an analytics platform for LLM products. When OpenAI released GPTs, they built one to navigate their growing codebase, and it worked so well that they decided to open source the utility for other development teams.

Simple Workflow: From URL to Chatbot

Here’s how it works:

  1. Submit a GitHub repo URL at
  2. Receive a file from CodebaseChat.
  3. Upload the file to OpenAI’s GPT builder.
  4. Voilà! You can now ask your GPT about your codebase.

Accessible for All: No ChatGPT Plus Required

Don’t have ChatGPT Plus? No worries! You can use OpenAI’s Assistants Playground completely for free.

Join the CodebaseChat Community: Product Hunt Launch

Explore CodebaseChat on Product Hunt, discover the latest updates, and engage with a community passionate about revolutionizing codebase conversations.

See CodebaseChat in Action: YouTube Demo

Watch a quick demo of CodebaseChat on YouTube to witness the simplicity and power of this innovative tool.

Conclusion: Transform Your Coding Experience

In conclusion, CodebaseChat redefines the way we interact with our codebases. Embrace the efficiency of GPT-powered chatbots and navigate your repositories with ease. Try CodebaseChat today and elevate your coding experience.


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