Corbado: Go Passwordless with Passkey Authentication - Subscribed.FYI

Corbado: Go Passwordless with Passkey Authentication

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Corbado: Go Passwordless with Passkey Authentication

In an era where the digital landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, the conventional password-based authentication methods are becoming outdated and cumbersome. Enter Corbado, a revolutionary passkey-first authentication solution designed for developers. In this article, we delve into the world of Corbado and explore how it is transforming the authentication paradigm.

Understanding Corbado

Corbado positions itself as the catalyst for going passwordless effortlessly. With just a few lines of code, developers can seamlessly integrate passkeys into their websites or apps, thereby eliminating the need for traditional passwords. Here’s what makes Corbado stand out:

  • Built for Modern Stacks: Corbado is tailor-made for React, Flutter, and contemporary technology stacks.
  • Invisible MFA: Embrace invisible Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and reduce costs associated with SMS One-Time Passwords (OTPs).
  • Forever Free Community Plan: Developers can kickstart their journey with Corbado’s Forever Free Community plan.

Free Your Users from Passwords

The user-centric approach of Corbado is evident in its mission to liberate users from the hassles of passwords. By enabling passkeys, users can log in effortlessly using Face ID or Touch ID, thereby enhancing conversion rates, improving the user experience, and fortifying security.

The Problem with Passwords

Passwords, a relic of the 1990s, pose significant challenges in terms of security and user-friendliness. A staggering 81% of internet breaches involve weak or stolen passwords. Users frequently forget passwords, with 78% requiring a reset in the past 90 days. Additionally, passwords contribute to the abandonment of online purchases, with 81% of product managers citing friction as a significant issue.

The Corbado Solution

Passkeys emerge as the solution to the password dilemma, offering a trifecta of benefits:

  • Best UX with Face ID & Touch ID: Users can leverage biometric authentication methods they’ve already set up, ensuring a seamless login experience.
  • Phishing-Resistant: Passkeys thwart various password-based attacks, including phishing, credential stuffing, and brute-force attacks.
  • Efficient Logins: Passkeys deliver up to 4x higher login success rates, accelerate authentication processes, and reduce password resets.

Corbado’s efficacy is underscored by the fact that in 2024, over 95% of global devices support passkeys, with tech giants like Google, Apple, Microsoft, PayPal, and GitHub already embracing this digital shift.

Corbado Products: Complete and Connect

Corbado caters to both new and existing applications with its offerings:

  • Corbado Complete (Beta): Ideal for new apps, this standalone passkey-first authentication solution ensures a swift setup without the need for passwords.
  • Corbado Connect (Beta): Tailored for existing apps, Corbado Connect seamlessly integrates passkeys into the existing authentication framework, improving login conversion and user connectivity.

From Devs for Devs: Integration Made Easy

With Corbado, developers can integrate passkeys with just 10 lines of code. The platform provides Software Development Kits (SDKs) and guides for popular programming languages and frameworks, simplifying the integration process.

Corbado’s Mission

At Corbado, the mission extends beyond innovation to create a safer, more accessible internet. The platform envisions becoming the gold standard in login solutions, striking a balance between robust security and user-friendly interfaces.

Relevant SaaS Products in the Authentication Space

  • Auth0: Auth0 provides a comprehensive identity management platform, offering robust authentication and authorization services.
  • Okta: Okta is a leading identity and access management platform, ensuring secure and seamless authentication.
  • Firebase Authentication: From Google, Firebase Authentication provides a simple and secure way to authenticate users.
  • OneLogin: OneLogin offers Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions, simplifying authentication processes.
  • Ping Identity: Ping Identity provides intelligent identity solutions, including authentication and single sign-on.


Corbado emerges as a game-changer in the authentication landscape, ushering in an era where passwords are no longer a necessity. Its passkey-first approach not only enhances security but also prioritizes user experience. As developers seek innovative solutions for seamless and secure authentication, Corbado paves the way for a passwordless future.

In a world where simplicity meets security, Corbado invites developers to embrace a passwordless future, redefining the landscape of authentication. Explore the possibilities with Corbado, and liberate your users from the tyranny of passwords.

As you embark on the journey of modern authentication with Corbado, consider unlocking the full potential of your subscriptions with Subscribed.FYI. Trusted by over 5000 SMBs, Subscribed.FYI streamlines subscription management, helping businesses save hundreds of dollars.

Sign up for free at Subscribed.FYI to unlock exclusive member-only deals with 100+ SaaS tools. Gain insights, set reminders, and take control of expenses effortlessly, complementing the innovative strides you make with Corbado.

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