Data Dead Drop: Secure and Self-Destructing File Sharing Made Simple - Subscribed.FYI

Data Dead Drop: Secure and Self-Destructing File Sharing Made Simple

- Automation Tools

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Data Dead Drop: Redefining File Sharing with Security and Simplicity

Sharing files securely doesn’t have to be complicated. Introducing Data Dead Drop – your go-to solution for effortless, secure file sharing with an added layer of self-destruction. Say goodbye to the hassle of sign-ups, invasive cookies, and the risk of unauthorized access. Let’s explore how Data Dead Drop makes file sharing simple, secure, and ephemeral.

How It Works in Three Simple Steps

1. Upload Whether through the user-friendly Web UI or your preferred command line client, upload your file to Data Dead Drop. Specify the duration for which the file should be accessible and how many times it can be accessed. Receive a unique and secure link for file access.

2. Download Share the link with intended recipients or use it yourself to download the file. Whether you prefer a browser or the command line, Data Dead Drop caters to your convenience.

3. Incinerate Your file is designed to self-destruct after a predefined number of accesses. Even if left untouched, the file is automatically deleted after a short expiration time – ensuring that your data remains secure.

Why Data Dead Drop Stands Out


Data Dead Drop values your privacy. No sign-ups, no cookies, and absolutely no collection, processing, or selling of personal data. Enjoy file sharing with peace of mind.


Built with machines and automation in mind, Data Dead Drop eliminates the need for browsers. Command line enthusiasts can use their favorite clients such as cURL or HTTPie for a seamless experience.


Your files are inherently safe with Data Dead Drop. Secure links are generated using the robust Diceware algorithm, making unauthorized access impossible. All uploaded files are fully encrypted, ensuring top-notch security.


Embrace the concept of ephemeral data. Uploaded files are set to self-destruct after a predefined number of accesses, or they expire after a short duration. Your data remains transient, reducing the risk of long-term exposure.

Free and Open Source

Data Dead Drop is not only free (as in beer) forever but also open source. If you’re curious about the inner workings, explore the source code on GitHub. The project is built with love using Ruby on Rails.

Give It a Spin!

Here’s what makes Data Dead Drop unique:

  • Anonymity: No sign-ups, no cookies – your privacy is top-notch.
  • Automation: Designed for command line enthusiasts; cURL, HTTPie, or your tool of choice.
  • Security: Diceware algorithm for secure links, and your uploads are fully encrypted.
  • Self-Destruction: Files vanish after a predefined number of accesses or expire after a short while.

And the best part – everything is open source. Feel free to explore the source code on GitHub. Ready to experience secure and self-destructing file sharing? Head over to Data Dead Drop now!

Secure your file sharing experience with Data Dead Drop – where simplicity meets security, and your data remains in your control. Try it out and share your thoughts with the creator, hschnedlitz.

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