Describing automation in Total Quality (TQ) management - Subscribed.FYI

Describing automation in Total Quality (TQ) management

- Automation Tools

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Describing Automation in Total Quality (TQ) Management

Total Quality (TQ) management involves continuous improvement in all aspects of an organization, focusing on customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and operational efficiency. One pivotal element in achieving TQ is the integration of automation. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of automation in TQ and introduce relevant SaaS products that can enhance TQ management.

Understanding Automation in Total Quality Management

Automation in TQ streamlines processes, reduces errors, and enhances overall efficiency. It involves the use of software and technology to automate repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on strategic initiatives and quality improvement. Here are key aspects of automation in TQ:

1. Automated Data Collection

  • Automation tools collect and analyze data, providing real-time insights into the organization’s performance and identifying areas for improvement.

2. Process Automation

  • Repetitive tasks within TQ processes, such as documentation, can be automated, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring consistency.

3. Quality Control Automation

  • Automated quality control systems monitor and analyze products or services, ensuring they meet predefined quality standards.

4. Employee Training and Development

  • Automation aids in creating personalized training programs, ensuring that employees receive the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to TQ.

Relevant SaaS Products for Automation in TQ Management

  • Intello LabsAutomated Quality Inspection: Intello Labs offers AI-driven automated quality inspection for agribusinesses, ensuring the highest quality of produce.
  • CogniteDataOps Platform: Cognite’s DataOps platform automates data collection and processing for industrial applications, optimizing operations and decision-making.
  • QualtraxQuality Management Software: Qualtrax provides an automated solution for quality management, ensuring compliance and facilitating continuous improvement.
  • LessonlyLearning Automation: Lessonly automates employee training processes, allowing organizations to create, deliver, and track training programs effectively.
  • KissflowProcess Automation: Kissflow enables organizations to automate and streamline various TQ processes, improving efficiency and collaboration.


Automation plays a pivotal role in achieving Total Quality (TQ) management. By leveraging SaaS products that offer automation capabilities, organizations can enhance their processes, drive continuous improvement, and ensure sustained quality across all aspects of their operations.

Explore Subscribed.FYI Deals to discover exclusive savings on a wide range of SaaS tools. Subscribed.FYI is committed to helping organizations optimize their subscription stack for maximum efficiency and value, aligning with the principles of Total Quality management.

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