Does Shopify Have OMS? Exploring Order Management Features - Subscribed.FYI

Does Shopify Have OMS? Exploring Order Management Features

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Does Shopify Have OMS? Exploring Order Management Features

Shopify, a platform for businesses of all sizes to create an online store, does indeed have an Order Management System (OMS)12. This system helps businesses keep track of orders, customers, and inventory1. However, it’s important to note that Shopify does not provide an OMS to manage a complex eCommerce business with multiple sales channels and fulfillment nodes13. Instead, it runs its “Shopify app store” that provides a marketplace of third-party solutions that can be integrated into the Shopify eCommerce platform13.

Key Features of Shopify’s OMS

  • Real-time visibility of order status: Shopify offers real-time visibility of order status, allowing businesses to keep track of their orders in real-time4.
  • Automatic order updates: Shopify provides automatic order updates, ensuring that businesses are always up-to-date with their order status4.
  • Bulk printing and fulfillment: Shopify supports bulk printing and fulfillment, making it easier for businesses to manage large volumes of orders4.
  • Fulfillment automations: Shopify offers fulfillment automations to increase efficiency and reduce errors4.

Examples of SaaS eCommerce Platforms

  • Sellozo: Sellozo, a standout in the world of SaaS eCommerce, offers an AI-driven automation platform and fully managed services with transparent flat-fee pricing5.
  • BigCommerce: BigCommerce is another popular SaaS eCommerce platform that offers a range of features to help businesses build and manage their online stores5.
  • Trellis: Trellis is a SaaS tool that offers automated order processing5.
  • WooCommerce: WooCommerce is a SaaS eCommerce platform that allows businesses to sell online and offer curbside pickup and local delivery5.


In conclusion, Shopify does have an OMS that helps businesses keep track of orders, customers, and inventory12. However, for managing a complex eCommerce business with multiple sales channels and fulfillment nodes, Shopify provides a marketplace of third-party solutions that can be integrated into the Shopify eCommerce platform13. Other examples of SaaS eCommerce platforms include Sellozo, BigCommerce, Trellis, and WooCommerce5.

Exploring the order management features of Shopify has shed light on the importance of effectively managing SaaS tools for freelancers and small teams. Subscribed.FYI offers a comprehensive platform for understanding, comparing, and managing SaaS stack, making it easier for users to navigate the complexities of subscription management. With the ability to unlock secret deals and save big on over 100+ SaaS tools, Subscribed.FYI Deals provides a valuable resource for freelancers and small teams looking to optimize their expenses and enhance productivity.

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Remember, the key to successful online business management is finding a system that works for you and sticking to it. Happy managing!

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