Father of CRM: Recognizing Pioneers and Influential Figures in CRM Development - Subscribed.FYI

Father of CRM: Recognizing Pioneers and Influential Figures in CRM Development

- Customer Relationship Management

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Father of CRM: Recognizing Pioneers and Influential Figures in CRM Development

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategic approach that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle1. The goal is to improve business relationships with customers, assist in customer retention, and drive sales growth1. While the term CRM might seem relatively new, the practice is as old as trade itself1.

Pioneers of CRM

The concept of CRM started in the early 1970s, when customer satisfaction was evaluated using annual surveys or by front-line asking2. However, the beginnings of CRM as we know it started in the 1980s. Robert and Kate Kestnbaum were pioneers of database marketing, a form of direct marketing that analyzed the customer database statistically to identify which customers would be most likely to react to a marketing campaign1.

One of the best-known precursors of modern-day CRM is the Farley File. Developed by Franklin Roosevelt’s campaign manager, James Farley, the Farley File was a comprehensive set of records detailing political and personal facts about people FDR and Farley met or were supposed to meet2.

In 1986, Pat Sullivan and Mike Muhney released a customer evaluation system called ACT! based on the principle of a digital Rolodex, which offered a contact management service for the first time2. The trend was followed by numerous companies and independent developers trying to maximize lead potential, including Tom Siebel of Siebel Systems, who designed the first CRM product, Siebel Customer Relationship Management, in 19932.

Relevant SaaS Products for the SaaS Subscription Stack

Here are some relevant SaaS products that can be beneficial for the SaaS subscription stack:

  1. Whop3: A top-rated SaaS subscription management software. Official Website
  2. Stripe Billing4: Known as a payment provider, Stripe also offers subscription management features. Official Website
  3. Chargebee5: A globally used SaaS subscription management software. Official Website
  4. Zuora6: A comprehensive subscription management platform. Official Website
  5. Pabbly7: A subscription management software that offers a range of features. Official Website


The development of CRM systems has been influenced by many pioneers and influential figures over the years. These systems have evolved from simple customer databases to sophisticated platforms that manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. Today, various SaaS products further enhance CRM capabilities, particularly in managing subscriptions. By leveraging these tools, businesses can create robust and efficient customer relationship management systems.

Relevant Links

  1. History of CRM
  2. Pioneers of CRM
  3. Whop
  4. Stripe Billing
  5. Chargebee
  6. Zuora
  7. Pabbly.
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