Micro StartUps Acquisitions: Buy & Sell Ventures Commission-Free - Subscribed.FYI

Micro StartUps Acquisitions: Buy & Sell Ventures Commission-Free

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Micro StartUps Acquisitions: Buy & Sell Ventures Commission-Free

Discover a revolutionary platform with Micro StartUps Acquisitions that transforms the way entrepreneurs navigate the dynamic world of buying and selling startups. This online marketplace, boasting a community of over 1,500 entrepreneurs, focuses on swift acquisitions without any commission. Dive into the ultimate solution for website entrepreneurs, investors, and digital marketers, facilitating seamless transactions in the world of online businesses.

Why Micro StartUps Acquisitions

For Sellers

No Credit Card Required

Micro StartUps Acquisitions offers a hassle-free experience for sellers. List your startup for free without the need for a credit card. This eliminates barriers for Indie makers and entrepreneurs looking to exit their projects.

As Featured On

Explore the credibility of Micro StartUps Acquisitions, as featured on Product Hunt. Join the community to connect with potential buyers for your online venture.

Portfolio Of What You Can Buy and Sell

  • Websites
  • Mobile Apps
  • Marketplaces
  • SaaS
  • Content Sites
  • E-commerce
  • AI Web Apps
  • Extensions
  • Plugins
  • Affiliates

For Buyers

Easy Transactions

Micro StartUps Acquisitions ensures easy transactions for buyers. Join this marketplace to discover and invest in profitable online businesses. With a range of lucrative opportunities, this platform offers a 25% increase in retention and 1.7x user base growth.

List Your Business

Are you ready to sell or invest? Create a free account, list your business, and experience profitable investments. Micro StartUps Acquisitions allows you to expand your digital portfolio effortlessly.

The Motivated Maker’s Perspective

The founder emphasizes the challenges faced by indie makers and motivated creators who build to grow and sell. In the Build In Public community, where makers can create startups but struggle to scale them, projects often become ‘Dead Projects’ despite significant effort. Micro StartUps Acquisitions addresses this by providing a platform for makers to exit fully or partially, validating the efforts put into their startups.

Why Micro StartUps Acquisitions?

This platform recognizes the existing challenges in acquisition marketplaces, especially for solo founders who haven’t hit specific revenue limits. By solving these pain-points, Micro StartUps Acquisitions empowers makers with quality, bootstrapped, and viable products to exit successfully.

Invest in Profitable Online Businesses

Discover a wide range of lucrative website business opportunities and make smart investments with Micro StartUps Acquisitions. Whether your startup is earning $0 MRR or $10K MRR, you can validate and extract value from it.

Relevant SaaS Products

  • Flippa: An online marketplace for buying and selling online businesses.
  • Empire Flippers: A platform to buy and sell online businesses with verified financials.
  • FE International: A professional website brokerage firm for buying and selling businesses.
  • BizBuySell: An online marketplace for selling and buying businesses of all types.
  • Dealflow Brokerage: A platform facilitating the buying and selling of online businesses.


Micro StartUps Acquisitions is the ultimate solution for navigating the dynamic world of buying and selling startups. With a commission-free model, it offers a seamless experience for sellers and buyers alike. Embrace the freedom to list, explore, and invest in online ventures effortlessly.

As you embark on the journey of Micro StartUps Acquisitions, subscription management becomes crucial. Subscribed.FYI is the trusted platform for SMBs and SaaS providers to manage subscriptions automagically. Sign up at www.subscribed.fyi to unlock exclusive member-only deals with 100+ SaaS tools, enhancing your overall experience with Micro StartUps Acquisitions.

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