Preventing Google from Automatically Adding Google Meets to Your Calendar Invites - Subscribed.FYI

Preventing Google from Automatically Adding Google Meets to Your Calendar Invites

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Preventing Google from Automatically Adding Google Meets to Your Calendar Invites

In today’s digital age, Google Calendar has become an indispensable tool for scheduling and organizing events. However, one common frustration users encounter is Google’s automatic addition of Google Meet links to calendar invites. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore why this happens and, more importantly, how to prevent Google from automatically adding Google Meets to your calendar invites.

Understanding the Automatic Addition of Google Meet

Google’s integration of Google Meet with Calendar is designed to streamline virtual meetings. While this feature can be beneficial, many users prefer more control over when and how Google Meet links are added to their calendar events.

1. Privacy Concerns

Users often express concerns about privacy, especially when Meet links are added to personal events. Preventing automatic additions addresses these privacy worries.

2. Meeting Preference

Some users have a preference for using alternative video conferencing platforms. Automatically added Meet links may conflict with this preference.

3. Clutter in Calendar

Calendar clutter is a common issue. Automatic additions may contribute to a crowded calendar interface, making it harder to focus on essential events.

How to Stop Google from Automatically Adding Google Meets

To regain control over your calendar invites, follow these steps:

1. Open Google Calendar Settings

Navigate to your Google Calendar and click on the gear icon in the top-right corner to access settings.

2. Select “Event Settings”

In the settings menu, choose “Event settings” to customize your calendar event preferences.

3. Toggle “Automatically Add Google Meet”

Look for the option related to automatically adding Google Meet to events. Toggle this option to disable the automatic addition.

4. Save Changes

Don’t forget to save your changes. This ensures that your preferences are applied to future calendar events.

Relevant SaaS Products for Calendar Management

1. Microsoft Outlook Calendar

Microsoft Outlook Calendar provides a comprehensive alternative for users who prefer a different ecosystem for email and scheduling.

2. Fantastical

Fantastical is a powerful calendar app for macOS and iOS, offering a clean interface and intuitive event management.

3. Calendly

Calendly simplifies scheduling by allowing others to book time with you without the need for back-and-forth emails.


Regaining control over your calendar invites is crucial for a seamless scheduling experience. By following these steps and exploring alternative calendar management tools, you can customize your calendar experience according to your preferences.

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