Progressively: Iterative Feature Building for Data-Driven Decisions - Subscribed.FYI

Progressively: Iterative Feature Building for Data-Driven Decisions

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Progressively: Empower Your Development with Iterative Feature Building

In the dynamic landscape of web development, the ability to understand your audience and iterate features efficiently can make all the difference. Welcome to Progressively – the all-in-one toolbox designed for feature flags, analytics, and A/B testing. Let’s explore how Progressively empowers developers to build features iteratively and make data-driven decisions.

Craft Key Features for Your Audience

Progressively is more than just a tool; it’s a community-driven solution that prioritizes simplicity, privacy, and seamless integration into your workflow. Here’s why Progressively stands out:

Who is Progressively for?

Whether you’re part of a small team or a large company, Progressively caters to your needs if:

  • You want to ship faster.
  • Data privacy is a top concern.
  • You prefer simplicity over complexity.
  • Minimizing tooling and context-switching is crucial.
  • Building your own solution is time-prohibitive.
  • You value community engagement.

Join the journey and set up your instance of Progressively to experience the benefits firsthand.

What Can You Expect?

1. Instant Feature Deployments

Easily reveal concealed features to users with straightforward activation. Toggle the activation in the opposite direction if issues arise with your new feature.

2. Gradual Deployments

Hesitant about unveiling a feature? Introduce it to a small percentage of your audience (1% or 2%) and swiftly deactivate if needed.

3. Scheduled Deployments

Streamline your pre-release checklist by scheduling release deployments, reducing the burden on your team.

4. QA directly in Production

Conduct quality assurance directly in your production environment by concealing features with a feature flag.

5. Privacy-Focused Analytics

Gain insightful data for decision-making without compromising user privacy.

Why Choose Progressively?

If you resonate with the following values, Progressively is worth exploring:

  • Open Source: Built with the community, not just for the community.
  • Self-hosted: Control where your data resides and ensure privacy.
  • Privacy Matters: No user data is stored, and identification remains elusive.
  • Server-Side Rendering: Compatible with beloved tools like Next.js and Remix.
  • Lightweight Web Library: Minimal impact on webpage performance.
  • Real-time Updates: Utilizes Websockets for real-time updates of user feature flags.

How It Works

  • Setup Your Instance: Follow the get-started guide to set up the dashboard, APIs, and database. Create your admin user to deploy an instance.
  • Configure Your First Feature Flag: Dive into creating a project, setting up environments, and crafting your inaugural feature flag. Tailor how it behaves and explore the dashboard.
  • Choose an SDK: Configure your codebase by selecting an available SDK, installing it, configuring it, and deploying your project.
  • Users Access Your Website: As users land on your webpage, the feature flag evaluation begins, adapting the UI based on the determined value.
  • Enjoy Your Insights: With everything set up, create incredible features and comprehend your audience’s behavior through the insights panel.

Ready to embrace iterative feature building and data-driven decisions? Explore Progressively now!

Join the Progressively community and shape the future of iterative feature building. For discussions or queries, contact the Progressively team.

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