Tools and techniques employed in the field of business intelligence - Subscribed.FYI

Tools and techniques employed in the field of business intelligence

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Tools and Techniques Employed in the Field of Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) has become the cornerstone of strategic decision-making for enterprises. In this article, we delve into the tools and techniques that empower businesses to extract actionable insights from their data. From data visualization to predictive analytics, the world of BI is vast, and we’ll explore some of the top-notch SaaS products that play a pivotal role in this domain.

Unveiling the World of Business Intelligence Tools

1. Tableau – Your Data Storyteller

  • Tableau empowers users to create interactive and shareable dashboards, turning raw data into compelling narratives.

2. Power BI – Microsoft’s BI Powerhouse

  • Power BI by Microsoft offers robust analytics and visualization tools, seamlessly integrating with other Microsoft products.

3. Looker – Modern Data Platform

  • Looker provides a modern data platform that delivers insights directly through applications, making data accessible for everyone.

4. QlikView – Associative Data Discovery

  • QlikView enables users to explore and visualize data, fostering a deeper understanding of business trends and patterns.

5. Domo – Cloud-Native BI

  • Domo is a cloud-native BI platform that unifies data, people, and systems, simplifying complex data sets for better decision-making.

Techniques in Business Intelligence

1. Data Warehousing

  • Snowflake – A cloud-based data warehousing platform that allows seamless and scalable data storage.

2. Predictive Analytics

  • RapidMiner – A predictive analytics platform that provides an integrated environment for data preparation, machine learning, and model deployment.

3. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • MonkeyLearn – Leverage NLP for text analysis and extraction of valuable insights from unstructured data.


Business Intelligence tools and techniques are indispensable in today’s data-driven landscape. From visually appealing dashboards to predictive analytics, these tools empower organizations to transform raw data into actionable insights, driving informed decision-making.

Subscribed.FYI Integration

As we explore the vast landscape of BI tools, Subscribed.FYI emerges as a valuable companion for managing your SaaS subscriptions. Here’s how it seamlessly aligns with the insights shared in this article:

  • Unlock Exclusive Deals: Sign up for free and gain access to exclusive deals on 100+ SaaS tools, including leading BI platforms. Unlock savings of $100,000+ per year.
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  • Free to Use: Subscribed.FYI provides free access to a wealth of insights into diverse SaaS tools, including those in the BI domain.

By integrating Subscribed.FYI, you elevate your SaaS management experience, saving both time and resources.

This article is your guide to the tools and techniques employed in the field of Business Intelligence, brought to you by Subscribed.FYI, your all-in-one solution for SaaS management.

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