Using Google Trends for Dropshipping: Leveraging Market Insights - Subscribed.FYI

Using Google Trends for Dropshipping: Leveraging Market Insights

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Using Google Trends for Dropshipping: Leveraging Market Insights

Google Trends is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights for your dropshipping business. It allows you to understand what people are searching for, which can help you identify popular products and emerging trends. Here’s how you can leverage Google Trends for your dropshipping business1234.

Understanding Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool provided by Google that shows how often a particular search term is entered relative to the total search volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages. It can be used to find out what people are curious about, which opens a window into what they are interested in and want to buy1.

How to Use Google Trends for Dropshipping

  1. Start Broad: Begin with a general search using an umbrella keyword that pertains to the industry you’re interested in1.
  2. Analyze Your Keyword: Once you’ve analyzed your keyword, use the comparison filter to compare it with two or more keywords1.
  3. Search for Trending Topics: Look for trending topics within your niche to get an idea of popular products13.
  4. Compare Product Trends: Search relevant product categories and compare product trends. The one having an upward graph may be relevant for your dropshipping store13.

Relevant SaaS Products for Dropshipping

Here are some SaaS products that can be beneficial for your dropshipping business:

  1. Shopify5: A leading ecommerce platform that allows you to set up an online store and sell your products.
  2. BigCommerce6: An ecommerce platform that provides a range of features for online selling, including SEO tools and various integrations.
  3. WooCommerce78: An open-source ecommerce solution built on WordPress, offering a range of features and extensions for online selling.
  4. Volusion9: An all-in-one ecommerce solution that provides a range of features for building and managing an online store.
  5. Ecwid10: A powerful ecommerce platform that allows you to sell on multiple channels, including social media platforms and marketplaces.
  6. PrestaShop1112: An open-source ecommerce solution that offers a range of features for building and managing an online store.
  7. 3dcart (now Shift4Shop)913: An all-in-one ecommerce platform that provides a range of features for building and managing an online store.


Leveraging Google Trends for your dropshipping business can provide valuable insights into market trends and popular products. By understanding what people are searching for, you can better cater to their needs and interests, ultimately driving more traffic and sales to your online store. Additionally, utilizing the right SaaS products can further enhance your dropshipping business by providing the necessary tools and features for online selling.

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