Vela Terminal: VC Co-pilot for Trend Mapping & Startup Discovery - Subscribed.FYI

Vela Terminal: VC Co-pilot for Trend Mapping & Startup Discovery

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Vela Terminal: Navigating the VC Landscape with AI Precision


In the dynamic world of venture capital, a groundbreaking innovation has emerged — Vela Terminal. Let’s dive into the capabilities of Vela Terminal as a co-pilot for VCs, leveraging AI to identify market trends, map relationships, and uncover fast-growing startups.

Unveiling Vela: The World’s First Product-Led and AI-Native VC

Vela is not just a venture capital firm; it’s a pioneering force in AI-enabled data businesses. By collecting insights about markets, companies, and key components of the ecosystem, Vela utilizes these insights to make informed investment decisions and enhance portfolio performance. The main focus of Vela is on AI-enabled and data-driven B2B startups, with investments ranging from seed to Series A.


Vela Terminal, a product of Vela, stands as a unique solution for VCs seeking innovation in their processes. It serves as a co-pilot, aiding in the identification of growing market trends, relationship mapping, and the discovery of fast-growing startups.

Our Story

In 2016, the founders of Vela left Google to delve into deep learning, driven by a desire to address a global problem. The realization that early-stage investors were not innovating in their own businesses sparked the journey of Vela. The company’s dedication to innovation is evident in its collaboration with the University of Oxford, where they published pre-peer-reviewed articles and open-source machine learning models on GitHub.

Having raised $25M and tested their product with leading VC firms, Vela’s objective is clear: to democratize access to a product-led, AI-native VC partner and inspire others with their research. The vision is to accelerate innovation, advancing both the world and humanity.

Introducing Vela Terminal: Co-pilot for VCs

Vela Terminal disrupts the traditional VC model by being the world’s first product-led and AI-native VC. While VC has traditionally been a service business, Vela Terminal takes a bold and unconventional approach by implementing a product-led strategy to scale its business.

How Vela Terminal Works

1. Identify Growing Market Trends

Holistically view growing markets and identify specific ideas, from developers to sustainability and e-commerce. Users can engage in deep conversations and ask any question for a comprehensive understanding.

2. Map Out Hidden Relationships

Acknowledging the importance of relationships, Vela Terminal helps users understand investment connections, assess connection strength, and find introduction paths to build valuable relationships.

3. Analyze Fast-Growing Startups

Vela Terminal’s core IP signals potential hot startups. AI agents then perform associate-level tasks, analyzing, generating pros and cons, creating due diligence questions, and scoring startups.

Business Model

Vela Terminal disrupts VC with a product-led, AI-native, and open-source-first model. Premium features are available to limited partners and entrepreneurs in residence, while the rest is free and open to everyone. With a conscious fund size of $25M, Vela Terminal remains collaborative yet assertive, leading with $500K-1M first checks.


Vela Terminal is not just a platform; it’s the first step toward a vision of accelerating innovation. By disrupting traditional VC models, Vela Terminal paves the way for a product-led and AI-native future. Share your feedback, as Vela Terminal is eager to listen and evolve in this exciting journey.

Explore Vela Terminal on Product Hunt. Contact Vela Terminal at [email protected]. Watch Vela Terminal in action here.

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