WordPress as a CRM: Utilizing Content Management System for Customer Relationship Management - Subscribed.FYI

WordPress as a CRM: Utilizing Content Management System for Customer Relationship Management

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WordPress as a CRM: Utilizing Content Management System for Customer Relationship Management

WordPress, primarily recognized as a content management system (CMS) for websites and blogs, can offer certain Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functionalities through plugins and customizations1. However, it is essential to clarify that WordPress is not a dedicated CRM solution but can be adapted to serve as one1.

How WordPress Can Be Used as a CRM

A WordPress CRM plugin is one of those tools that every company eventually ends up getting. However, some businesses only need the bare minimum, while others require advanced field customizations and powerful integrations2. Quite a few CRM plugins are available to choose from, but we want to highlight the must-have features while completing your research for CRMs2.

Here’s what to look for:

  • A complete contact capture system with form builders and options for placing those forms on your website2.
  • Multiple databases for storing your customer information and using custom fields so that the database is suitable for your unique business needs2.
  • A reporting module with charts and printable reports2.
  • Visual pipeline management to get your customers in the customer lifecycle and see exactly how to convert them over and over2.
  • Messaging tools for sending out notifications to the admins and clients2.
  • A clean interface for both admins and customers2.
  • It’s great to see WooCommerce integrations2.
  • Invoicing tools for collecting money from your clients and potentially creating a recurring revenue stream2.
  • Task schedulers to help your workers stay on track and to set up meetings with your clients2.
  • Activity logs and notes so that you can go back and see what has been talked about with your customers2.
  • Tagging, filtering, and search bars for easily locating the customers and groups you need2.
  • Apps and extensions, or some sort of integration tool for linking to other CRMs, plugins, and website platforms2.

Relevant SaaS Products

Here are some relevant SaaS products that can be integrated with WordPress for a more robust CRM solution:

  1. HubSpot: HubSpot’s WordPress plugin allows you to connect your WordPress website to the free HubSpot CRM2.
  2. Salesforce: Salesforce offers a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) platform3.
  3. SAP: SAP provides a CRM that connects with an ERP4.
  4. Copper: Copper offers a CRM for small teams4.
  5. Freshworks: Freshworks provides a CRM for connecting with marketing4.
  6. Monday.com: Monday.com offers a CRM for connecting with PM software4.
  7. Less Annoying CRM: Less Annoying CRM provides a simple to use CRM4.


In conclusion, WordPress can be effectively utilized as a CRM with the help of various plugins and customizations. This allows businesses to manage their customer relationships directly from their WordPress site, providing a seamless and integrated experience. Additionally, integrating WordPress with various SaaS products can further enhance its CRM capabilities, providing businesses with a robust and comprehensive CRM solution.

Relevant Links

  1. WordPress Official Website
  2. HubSpot Official Website
  3. Salesforce Official Website
  4. SAP Official Website
  5. Copper Official Website
  6. Freshworks Official Website
  7. Monday.com Official Website
  8. Less Annoying CRM Official Website
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