How to Cancel FareHarbor
To cancel a FareHarbor booking, follow these steps:
Cancelling a Booking
Access the Client Voucher Form:
- Open the Client Voucher Form related to the booking you want to cancel.
Mark the Booking as Canceled:
- Check the box next to "Canceled" at the top right of the screen.
Provide Cancellation Reason:
- A "Voucher Cancellation Information" screen will appear, asking for a Cancellation Reason. Select a reason and click "Close" on the Voucher Cancellation Information window.
Save the Changes:
- On the Client Voucher Form, click "Save" to save the changes.
- Once FareHarbor processes and completes the request, a confirmation will appear on your screen: "FareHarbor Booking Canceled!"
Handling Cancellation Policy Issues
- If you encounter a "FareHarbor Cancellation Policy" window that states "FareHarbor Bookings CANNOT be Canceled Automatically Within 0 Hours Confirm You Will Call Vendor Directly," you need to call the vendor directly to cancel the booking.
- For any technical issues or if the cancellation does not process automatically, contact FareHarbor Support at (855) 495-5551.
Refund Considerations
- If a full refund is issued to the customer, FareHarbor may refund the full amount of the Processing Fee to the provider and the full amount of the Booking Fee to the customer.
- For partial or prorated refunds, FareHarbor may refund the equivalent partial or prorated amount of the Processing Fee to the provider but will retain the full amount of the Booking Fee.