Figjam Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
Web Development & Design


FigJam, by Figma, is an online whiteboarding platform facilitating real-time collaboration for remote teams. Designers, product teams, and educators benefit from its versatile canvas, interactive components, and seamless integration with Figma.


What is FigJam?

FigJam is a collaborative online whiteboarding platform offered by Figma. Tailored for remote and distributed teams, FigJam provides a versatile digital canvas for brainstorming, ideation, and collaborative visual thinking. With real-time collaboration features and an intuitive interface, FigJam empowers teams to work together creatively, bridging the gap between physical and virtual whiteboards.

Why Use FigJam?

In the landscape of online whiteboarding tools, FigJam excels by:

  • Real-Time Collaboration: FigJam allows team members to collaborate in real time, enabling seamless brainstorming sessions, idea generation, and visual planning regardless of geographical locations.
  • Versatile Digital Canvas: The digital canvas in FigJam is highly flexible, providing a space for freeform drawing, diagramming, mind mapping, and other visual thinking activities to capture and organize ideas.
  • Interactive Components: FigJam supports interactive components, turning static visuals into dynamic elements. This feature enhances the level of engagement and interactivity during collaborative sessions.
  • Integration with Figma: FigJam seamlessly integrates with Figma, a popular design and prototyping tool, allowing for a smooth transition from ideation to detailed design and prototyping.

Who is FigJam For?

FigJam caters to a diverse range of users:

  • Designers: Designers use FigJam for collaborative ideation and early-stage design discussions. It serves as a creative space to explore concepts before diving into detailed design work in Figma.
  • Product Teams: Product teams leverage FigJam for collaborative planning sessions, wireframing, and visualizing user flows. It enhances communication and alignment among team members.
  • Remote Teams: With features designed for remote collaboration, FigJam is ideal for teams working across different locations. It provides a shared space for creative collaboration and ideation.
  • Educators: Educators use FigJam for virtual teaching, collaborative learning, and interactive workshops. It facilitates engaging and dynamic visual discussions in an online environment.

FigJam is a valuable tool for fostering creativity and collaboration in a virtual space. Whether you’re a designer, part of a product team, a remote team member, or an educator, FigJam provides the tools needed to enhance visual thinking and collaborative ideation.




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Pricing and Features

Product Tier


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Figma and FigJam Files: Access 3 Figma and 3 FigJam files for diverse projects.
  • Unlimited Personal Files: Store an unlimited number of personal files.
  • Unlimited Collaborators: Collaborate seamlessly with an unlimited number of team members.
  • Plugins and Templates: Enhance functionality with plugins and ready-made templates.
  • Mobile App: Access Figjam on the go with the mobile app.
  • Music Player: Enjoy a built-in music player for a creative work environment.
  • Ready-Made Templates: Utilize ready-made templates for quick project starts.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Unlimited FigJam Files: Create unlimited files for diverse collaborations.
  • Open Sessions: Facilitate real-time, dynamic whiteboarding with open sessions.
  • Sharing Permissions: Customize permissions for controlled collaboration.
  • Team Libraries: Access organized design elements in team libraries.
  • Audio Conversations: Enhance communication with real-time audio discussions.
  • Voting Feature: Efficient decision-making with in-session voting.


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Org-Wide Libraries: Access organization-wide libraries for collaborative design.
  • Centralized Content Management: Manage content centrally for streamlined workflows.
  • Custom Templates: Create and utilize custom templates for personalized designs.
  • Custom Color Palettes: Implement custom color palettes for consistent branding.
  • Unified Admin and Billing: Manage administration and billing in one unified platform.
  • Private Plugins and Widgets: Utilize private plugins and widgets for extended functionality.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Streamline access with Single Sign-On for user convenience.


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Dedicated Workspaces: Create dedicated workspaces for focused collaboration.
  • Advanced Design Systems: Implement advanced design systems for streamlined workflows.
  • Guest Access Controls: Control guest access for enhanced security.
  • Role Setting via SCIM: Set roles via SCIM for efficient user management.
  • Idle Session Timeout: Enhance security with idle session timeout settings.
  • Enforced Password Links: Secure accounts with enforced password links.
  • Network Access Restrictions: Implement network access restrictions for controlled access.
  • Onboarding and Account Support: Receive onboarding and account support for a smooth experience.
  • Expiring Public Links: Set expiring public links for improved link management.



Steps to Cancel Figjam Subscription.
Canceling your Figjam subscription is a simple process. For detailed instructions, Click here.

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Product FAQ

What is Figjam, and how does it enhance online whiteboarding and collaboration?

Figjam is a collaborative whiteboarding and brainstorming tool developed by Figma. It provides a digital space for teams to ideate, sketch, and collaborate in real-time. Figjam is designed to facilitate creative discussions, allowing users to draw, write, and share ideas seamlessly within a collaborative environment.

How can I start using Figjam for online whiteboarding?

o start using Figjam:

  1. Visit the Figjam webpage at Figjam and sign up for a Figma account.
  2. Access Figjam directly from Figma or through the standalone Figjam app.
  3. Create a new Figjam file and invite team members to join the collaborative whiteboarding session.
  4. Use a variety of tools, including pens, sticky notes, and connectors, to start ideating and collaborating.

What are the key features of Figjam?

Figjam offers a range of features for online whiteboarding and collaboration, including:

  • Drawing Tools: Pens, shapes, and text tools for sketching and annotating.
  • Sticky Notes: Digital sticky notes for jotting down ideas and comments.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Simultaneous collaboration with team members in real-time.
  • Comments and Reactions: Add comments and reactions to facilitate communication.
  • Integrations: Seamlessly integrate Figjam with Figma for a unified design and collaboration experience.

How does Figjam support remote and distributed teams?

Figjam supports remote and distributed teams by:

  • Real-time Collaboration: Allowing team members to collaborate on a digital canvas in real-time.
  • Persistent Boards: Saving whiteboards for asynchronous collaboration across different time zones.
  • Comments and Reactions: Providing communication tools like comments and reactions to enhance virtual discussions.
  • Accessibility: Enabling team members to access Figjam from anywhere with an internet connection.

Can Figjam be used for purposes beyond online whiteboarding?

Yes, Figjam is a versatile tool that can be used for various purposes beyond online whiteboarding. It is suitable for:

  • Brainstorming Sessions: Generate and organize ideas collaboratively.
  • User Flows and Diagrams: Create user flows, diagrams, and wireframes.
  • Collaborative Design Reviews: Gather feedback and make design decisions collaboratively.
  • Team Collaboration: Facilitate communication and collaboration among team members in a visual and interactive environment.

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