Reduce FourKites Subscription Costs by 19%: Expert Strategies |
Web Development & Design


FourKites is a global supply chain visibility platform offering real-time insights, predictive analytics, and exception management through AI. It enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and supports sustainability goals for various industries.

19% Off on Subscription with FourKites

How much can customers reduce their spend with FourKites?

19% Per Year

How to Reduce Your FourKites Subscription Cost

FourKites is reinventing the complex and labor-intensive communication systems in the logistics and transportation industry by providing a cost-effective, real-time, and easy-to-use cloud-based software solution. In the outdated current system, shippers and freight brokers have no up-to-date information on the current location of their freight and arrival times. They rely on multiple phone calls to drivers and dispatchers to get accurate information. Systems like email, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and fax are all initiated after the fact, making the decision process very reactive. This wastes time and effort for data that could…

Minimum Estimated Potential Savings: 19%

How to Reduce the Cost of FourKites Subscription

Direct Cost Reduction Techniques

Optimize User Licenses

  • Audit User Licenses: Regularly review your user licenses and remove those that are inactive.
  • Permission Sets: Consider using permission sets to grant specific functionalities instead of assigning full licenses for basic needs.

Data Storage Management

  • Archive Old Data: Regularly archive outdated data to reduce storage consumption and associated costs.
  • Data Validation Rules: Implement data validation rules to prevent unnecessary data entry that consumes storage.

Process Automation

  • Workflow and Approval Processes: Utilize workflow and approval processes to automate manual tasks, reducing the need for additional licenses.

Implementing Workarounds to Reduce Subscription Costs

Integrations with Free/Freemium Tools

  • Zapier: Explore using Zapier to automate tasks that might require additional licenses (e.g., basic data cleansing).
  • Slack: Consider integrating with freemium tools like Slack for internal team communication and collaboration.

Bundling Options for Cost Savings

Pairing/Bundling for Discounts

  • Partner Programs: Check if your company qualifies for partner discounts through partnerships with other software providers. For instance, some cloud storage services offer discounts when bundled with other services like Salesforce.

Negotiating with Support

Contact Customer Support for Discounts

  • Discuss Usage Patterns: Engage with FourKites support to discuss your current usage patterns. They might offer discounts based on your specific needs and historical data.
  • Negotiate Renewal Rates: Before your subscription renews, negotiate renewal rates with support. Demonstrating loyalty and commitment to the platform can sometimes lead to better pricing.

Switching Subscription Types

Switching to Annual Subscriptions

  • Annual Subscriptions: Consider switching to an annual subscription, which often comes with a discount compared to monthly billing.

Reducing Inactive Users

  • Review User Activity: Regularly review user activity and remove inactive user licenses to optimize costs.

Alternatives to FourKites

Exploring Alternative Solutions

While FourKites offers robust features, exploring alternatives may provide cost-saving opportunities:

  • Project44: Project44 provides advanced visibility into transportation and logistics, enabling real-time tracking and predictive insights. Learn more about Project44.
  • Shipwell: Shipwell offers a unified platform for freight management, including real-time visibility, automation, and analytics. Learn more about Shipwell.
  • Transfix: Transfix connects shippers with a reliable carrier network for real-time tracking and optimized freight management. Learn more about Transfix.

Open-Source Solutions

  • Open-Source Tools: Depending on your needs, explore open-source solutions that might offer similar functionalities at a lower cost. Utilize resources like “Opensource for FourKites” to discover applicable tools.

By implementing these strategies, negotiating with support, and exploring alternative solutions, you can effectively manage and reduce your FourKites subscription costs while maintaining access to essential features and functionalities.