How to Cancel GoCo
To cancel a GoCo product or service, follow these steps:
Notification and Timing
- You must provide at least 30 days’ notice prior to the proposed termination date to cancel the agreement.
Payment Obligations
- You agree to pay GoCo in full for all outstanding balances due up to the date of termination.
- Additionally, you must pay 50% of the remaining monthly charges.
- If GoCo incurs additional fees from a third party for the cancellation of any facilities it has ordered on your behalf, these charges will also be due immediately.
Early Termination Fee
- If you cancel the agreement prior to the Activation Date, a $1500 order-processing fee will be applied and is due immediately.
- If GoCo terminates the agreement due to your violation, you will also be charged a $1500 early termination fee.
Equipment Return
- Upon termination, it is your responsibility to arrange for the return of any GoCo-owned equipment to GoCo at your cost and expense.
Additional Steps
- Ensure all tasks related to the termination are completed, such as updating organizational charts and revoking system access. GoCo’s offboarding checklists can help standardize and streamline these tasks.
Contact Information
- For any questions or to initiate the cancellation process, contact GoCo directly through the provided channels.
Key Points to Consider:
Notice Period: 30 days’ notice is required.
Outstanding Balances: Pay all outstanding balances and 50% of remaining monthly charges.
Additional Fees: Pay any additional fees incurred by GoCo from third parties.
Equipment Return: Return GoCo-owned equipment at your cost.
Offboarding Tasks: Use GoCo’s offboarding checklists to manage the termination process efficiently.