How to Cancel Semji
To cancel a Semrush subscription, follow these steps:
Cancellation Process
Through the User Account
- Log in to your Semrush User Account.
- Submit a cancellation request using the cancellation form available in your account.
Via Email
- If you prefer to cancel via email, send your cancellation request to
[email protected]
from the registered email address associated with your account.
- Include the following information in your email:
- A brief comment explaining why you want to cancel your subscription.
- Your billing information (name, transaction ID, last 4 digits of the credit card associated with the account, billing date, etc.).
- Your email address and login name.
- Any other identity verification and/or authentication information that may be requested.
Cancellation Effective Date
- Cancellation will take effect at the end of the pre-paid period for paid subscriptions.
- For unpaid trial or free subscriptions, cancellation will take effect within 7 days of receipt of your request.
- Semrush will confirm the cancellation of your subscription within 3 business days after receiving your cancellation request.
Additional Notes
- Ensure you follow the cancellation instructions accurately to avoid any delays in processing your request.
- If you have any questions or need further assistance, you can contact Semrush support directly.