How to Cancel Snowflake - Subscribed.FYI
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Snowflake is a cloud-based data platform designed to unify data storage, processing, and analytics across multiple clouds. It enables seamless data integration, high-performance analytics, and scalable solutions for diverse workloads, supported by a secure, fully managed framework. With its unique architecture separating compute and storage, Snowflake delivers flexibility, simplicity, and cost-efficiency for businesses of all sizes.

How to Cancel Snowflake

To cancel or manage various aspects of a Snowflake account or queries, you need to follow these steps based on what you want to achieve:

Canceling a Query

To cancel a running SQL query in Snowflake, you can use the SYSTEM$CANCEL_QUERY function. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Obtain the query ID from the History page in the Snowflake web interface. Query IDs are UUID text strings with hyphens.

  • Use the SYSTEM$CANCEL_QUERY function with the query ID:
    SELECT SYSTEM$CANCEL_QUERY(‘query_id_here’);

    For example:
    SELECT SYSTEM$CANCEL_QUERY(‘d5493e36-5e38-48c9-a47c-c476f2111ce5’);

  • If you need to cancel queries executed by another user, you must have a role with the necessary privileges such as OWNERSHIP on the user who executed the operation, or OPERATE or OWNERSHIP on the warehouse that is running the operation.

Canceling a Trial Account

To cancel a Snowflake trial account, you must contact Snowflake Support directly. Here are the steps:

  • You cannot cancel a trial account through the web interface.
  • Contact Snowflake Support and request that your trial account be canceled.
  • Note that adding a credit card to a trial account converts it to a paid account, but you can still cancel the account by contacting support.

Dropping an Account

To delete a Snowflake account, you need to drop it as an organization administrator. Here’s how:

  • Log in to a different account with the ORGADMIN role, as you cannot drop the account you are currently logged into.

  • Use Snowsight or SQL to drop the account. For example, using SQL:

  • Define a grace period during which the account can be restored. The minimum grace period is 3 days and the maximum is 90 days.

  • To restore a dropped account within the grace period, use the UNDROP ACCOUNT command:
    UNDROP ACCOUNT myaccount123;

By following these instructions, you can manage and cancel various aspects of your Snowflake account and queries effectively.