TeamShield Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
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TeamShield offers advanced security against digital threats with real-time detection and comprehensive threat intelligence. It's ideal for IT professionals, business leaders, remote teams, and SMBs seeking proactive cybersecurity measures in today's evolving landscape.


What is TeamShield?

TeamShield is an advanced security platform designed to protect teams and organizations from digital threats. Specializing in safeguarding against phishing, malware, and other cyberattacks, TeamShield leverages cutting-edge AI and machine learning to deliver real-time protection and comprehensive threat intelligence. With a focus on proactive security measures, TeamShield ensures that teams can operate in a safe and secure digital environment.

Why Use TeamShield?

In the realm of cybersecurity, TeamShield stands out by:

  • Real-Time Threat Detection: TeamShield utilizes AI-powered algorithms to detect and mitigate threats in real time, providing instant protection against phishing, malware, and other cyberattacks.
  • Comprehensive Threat Intelligence: The platform offers extensive threat intelligence, giving teams insights into the latest security threats and helping them stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities.
  • User-Friendly Interface: TeamShield features an intuitive interface that makes it easy for teams to monitor and manage their security status, regardless of their technical expertise.
  • Seamless Integration: TeamShield integrates seamlessly with existing tools and workflows, ensuring that teams can enhance their security posture without disrupting their operations.

Who is TeamShield For?

TeamShield caters to a wide range of users within organizations:

  • IT Professionals: IT teams use TeamShield to implement and manage robust security measures, protecting their organization from a variety of cyber threats.
  • Business Leaders: Executives and managers leverage TeamShield to ensure their teams operate in a secure environment, safeguarding sensitive business information.
  • Remote Teams: With features designed for distributed workforces, TeamShield is ideal for remote teams who need reliable and continuous protection against digital threats.
  • SMBs: Small and medium-sized businesses benefit from TeamShield’s affordable and scalable security solutions, allowing them to maintain strong cybersecurity defenses without the need for extensive resources.

In conclusion, TeamShield is an essential platform for any organization looking to enhance its cybersecurity posture. Whether you’re an IT professional, a business leader, part of a remote team, or running an SMB, TeamShield provides the tools and intelligence needed to protect your digital assets and ensure a secure operational environment.



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Pricing and Features

Product Tier


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial


  • Security: Always-on protection.
  • Ease of Use: Easy and intuitive interface.
  • Cross-Platform Access: Access TeamShield directly in browsers and mobile/desktop apps.
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Limited to 2 devices.
  • Messaging and Group Chats: Unlimited.
  • Secure Sharing: Send securely to non-users without registration.
  • Message Expiration: Limited to 7 days.
  • File Expiration: Limited to 90 days.
  • Basic Authentication: Email support only.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial


  • Advanced Security: More options included.
  • Enhanced Features: Unlimited simultaneous device usage.
  • Extended Messaging: Unlimited messages and file sending.
  • Increased Storage: Up to 20 GB for files sent per month.
  • Extended Expiration: Files stored and sent have no limit.
  • MFA and Branding: Available as add-ons.
  • Support: Priority email support.




  • Full Security Suite: All options included.
  • Customizations: Tailored to specific needs.
  • Personalized Support: Priority phone support.
  • Additional Integrations: Available as add-ons.
  • Managed Cloud and Training: Available as add-ons.



Fortifying Digital Security: Concluding Your Use of TeamShield

As your organization’s security needs evolve or you explore alternative security solutions, TeamShield offers a streamlined process to conclude your engagement with their advanced security platform. To ensure ongoing protection against digital threats, please visit this page.

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Product FAQ

What is TeamShield, and how does it differ from traditional security solutions?

TeamShield is an advanced security platform dedicated to safeguarding teams and organizations from digital threats. Unlike traditional security solutions, TeamShield specializes in protecting against phishing, malware, and other cyberattacks by leveraging cutting-edge AI and machine learning technologies. This allows for real-time protection and comprehensive threat intelligence, ensuring proactive defense against evolving cyber threats.

How does TeamShield protect against phishing attacks?

TeamShield employs sophisticated phishing detection algorithms and behavioral analysis techniques to identify and thwart phishing attacks in real-time. By analyzing email content, sender behavior, and user interactions, TeamShield can accurately detect phishing attempts and prevent malicious emails from reaching their intended targets. This proactive approach helps organizations mitigate the risk of data breaches and credential theft associated with phishing attacks.

Can TeamShield defend against malware and other cyber threats?

Yes, TeamShield is equipped to defend against a wide range of cyber threats, including malware, ransomware, and malicious websites. By continuously monitoring network traffic and endpoint activity, TeamShield can detect and block suspicious behavior indicative of malware infections or cyberattacks. Additionally, TeamShield leverages threat intelligence feeds and machine learning models to identify emerging threats and adapt its defenses accordingly, ensuring comprehensive protection against evolving cyber threats.

How does TeamShield leverage AI and machine learning for enhanced security?

TeamShield harnesses the power of AI and machine learning to enhance its security capabilities. These technologies enable TeamShield to analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, detect patterns indicative of malicious activity, and adapt its defenses proactively. By continuously learning from new threats and user interactions, TeamShield can improve its accuracy and effectiveness in detecting and mitigating cyber threats, providing organizations with advanced protection against evolving security risks.

Is TeamShield suitable for organizations of all sizes?

Yes, TeamShield is designed to meet the security needs of organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. Whether protecting a small team or securing an entire organization, TeamShield offers scalable solutions tailored to the specific requirements and budget constraints of each customer. With its advanced security features, real-time protection, and comprehensive threat intelligence, TeamShield empowers organizations to defend against cyber threats effectively, regardless of their size or industry.

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