How to Cancel TimeTrax
To cancel your TimeTrax product subscription and potentially request a refund, follow these steps:
Cancellation Process
Notify Customer Service: Contact Pyramid Time Systems’ customer service to initiate the cancellation process. You can reach them at 888-479-7264 (Option 1) or through their support channels.
Stopping Billing
Cancel Your Account: Ensure you cancel your account to stop any further billing. Failing to cancel your account will result in continued charges, for which you will not be eligible for a refund after the initial 30-day period.
Refund Eligibility
Initial Subscription: If you are within the first 30 days of your initial subscription, you may be eligible for a full refund. However, this does not apply to subscription renewals.
Incorrect Charges: If you believe you have been incorrectly charged, contact customer service to investigate and potentially issue a refund.
Steps for Refund Request
Contact Support: Reach out to Pyramid Time Systems’ support using the contact information provided. Explain your reason for cancellation and request a refund if eligible.
Destroy Software Copies: If your subscription is terminated, you must destroy any and all copies of the TimeTrax software and its component parts.
Additional Considerations
Archived Users: Ensure that any inactive users are marked as archived to avoid unnecessary charges. You will not be eligible for refunds for fees incurred by users who were not using the service but were still marked as active.
Switching Plans: If you switch to a cheaper plan during your billing cycle, you will not be entitled to a refund. Instead, the remaining amount will be added as credit to your account.
By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth cancellation and potentially receive a refund if you are within the eligible period.