Cloudflare Pricing & Features Overview - Subscribed.FYI
Hosting Tools


Cloudflare is a prominent cloud services provider, optimizing website performance and security with global content delivery and scalability. Catering to owners, e-commerce, developers, and IT professionals, it offers comprehensive solutions for digital success.


What is Cloudflare?

Cloudflare is an advanced cloud services provider, specializing in enhancing the performance, security, and reliability of websites and applications. Positioned as a leading content delivery network (CDN) and web security solution, Cloudflare offers a suite of services designed to optimize the delivery of web content, protect against online threats, and ensure a seamless online experience for both users and website operators.

Why Use Cloudflare?

In today’s dynamic online environment, mere hosting of websites is insufficient. Users demand fast, secure, and reliable access to digital content, and website operators need tools that can fortify their online presence. Cloudflare addresses these needs by:

  1. Content Delivery: Cloudflare’s global network of servers strategically caches and delivers web content from the nearest location to users, ensuring fast load times and reduced latency.
  2. Web Security: Protecting against various online threats, including DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other vulnerabilities, Cloudflare acts as a robust shield for websites, maintaining the integrity of online assets.
  3. Reliability: With built-in redundancy and failover mechanisms, Cloudflare ensures continuous website availability even in the face of server failures or network issues.
  4. Scalability: Cloudflare’s scalable infrastructure effortlessly handles traffic spikes, providing a reliable platform for websites and applications experiencing variable loads.

Who is Cloudflare For?

Cloudflare caters to a diverse audience:

  1. Website Owners & Administrators: Cloudflare is an essential tool for those who aim to enhance the performance, security, and reliability of their websites, irrespective of size or industry.
  2. E-commerce Businesses: Online retailers benefit from Cloudflare’s accelerated content delivery and secure transaction processing, ensuring a smooth and secure shopping experience for customers.
  3. Developers: With Cloudflare’s APIs and development tools, developers can integrate advanced functionalities into their applications, such as caching, security, and performance optimization.
  4. IT Professionals: Cloudflare is a valuable asset for IT teams seeking to fortify their organization’s online presence and protect against cyber threats.

In conclusion, Cloudflare stands out as a comprehensive cloud services provider, offering a robust set of tools to optimize web performance, enhance security, and ensure the reliability of digital assets. Whether you operate a website, an e-commerce platform, or are involved in IT and development, Cloudflare provides the solutions needed to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape effectively.




Hosting Tools
Free Plan
Cloudflare Free Security and Performance Plan for Personal and Hobby Projects


100% Off on Subscription
100% Discount on Wasp Subscription Cost
100% Per Year

Pricing and Features

Product Tier

Application Services- Free

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • DNS & Security: Fast, easy-to-use DNS, and Unmetered DDoS protection.
  • Performance Boost: CDN for enhanced speed and Universal SSL Certificate.
  • Security Layers: Free Managed Ruleset and Web Application Firewall (WAF).
  • Access Control: Role-based Account Control.
  • Community & Cost: Community forums and documentation. 3 Page Rules, simple bots.



Application Services- Pro

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • DNS & Security: Fast, easy-to-use DNS, and Unmetered DDoS protection.
  • Performance Boost: CDN for enhanced speed and Universal SSL Certificate.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Lossless Image Optimization, and Accelerated Mobile Pages.
  • Security Layers: Free Managed Ruleset and Web Application Firewall (WAF).
  • Access Control: Role-based Account Control.
  • Community & Cost: Tickets + Community Forums. 20 Page Rules, Andavanced bots.

Application Services - Business

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • DNS & Security: Fast, easy-to-use DNS. Unmetered DDoS protection.
  • Performance & Security: CDN, Universal SSL, Free Managed Ruleset, WAF.
  • Optimization & Compliance: Lossless Image Optimization, AMP, PCI DSS compliance.
  • Uptime & Control: SLA 100%, Service Credits 1x, Role-based Control.
  • Customization & Cost: Tickets, Chat, Forums, 50 Page Rules.

Application Services - Enterprise



  • DNS & Security: Fast, easy-to-use DNS. Unmetered DDoS protection.
  • Performance & Security: CDN, SSL, Free Ruleset, WAF.
  • Optimization & Compliance: Lossless Image Optimization, AMP, PCI DSS.
  • Uptime & Control: SLA 100%, Service Credits, Single-Sign-On (SSO).
  • Advanced Features: Network Prioritization, Role-based Control.
  • Support & Rules: 24/7 Support, 125 Page Rules.
  • Bot & Network Integration: Advanced Bot Analytics, Layer-3 DDoS, SaaS Integration.

Zero Trust & SASE - Free Plan

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • User Capacity: Up to 50 users, with community forums support.
  • Activity Logging: Up to 24 hours of detailed activity logging.
  • Network Locations: Up to 3 locations for office DNS filtering.
  • Application Software: Application Connector and Device Client (Agent) Software.
  • Security Features: Zero Trust Network Access and Secure Web Gateway.

Zero Trust & SASE - Pay-as-you-go Plan

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • User Capacity: No limit, 100% uptime SLA.
  • Support Response: 4-hour median initial response.
  • Activity Logging: Up to 30 days comprehensive logging.
  • Network Locations: Up to 20 locations for office DNS filtering.
  • Additional Features: Free plan features, plus Remote Browser Isolation (add-on).

Zero Trust & SASE - Contract Plan



  • User Capacity: No limit, 100% uptime SLA.
  • Priority Support: 1-hour median response via phone, email, chat.
  • Activity Logging: Extensive 6-month log retention.
  • Network Locations: Up to 250 locations for office DNS filtering.
  • Additional Features: Logpush, mTLS Authentication, Multi-mode CASB, Cloud Email Security.

Network Services - Magic Transit



  • Network Capacity: Over 248 Tbps for robust connectivity.
  • Rapid Attack Mitigation: Sub-3 seconds response against most attacks.
  • Integration Methods: BGP routing and GRE encapsulation for seamless integration.
  • Layer 7 Service Integration: Native integration with CDN, WAF, Bot Management, etc.
  • Comprehensive IP Services: Support for TCP, UDP, IPSec, VoIP, and custom protocols.

Network Services - Magic WAN



  • Global Presence: 310 cities across 100+ countries for extensive reach.
  • Interconnectivity: Links with > 13,000 networks, major ISPs, cloud services.
  • Versatile On-Ramps: Multiple on-ramps, including WAN connector and IPsec/GRE tunnels.
  • Zero Trust Integration: Compatible with Zero Trust SSE on-ramps, device client.
  • Unified Management: Single management plane for network connectivity efficiency.
  • Integrated Security: DDoS mitigation, network firewall, and Zero Trust functionality.
  • Smart Routing: Fast routing powered by Argo Smart Routing technology.

Network Services - Magic Firewall



  • Network-Wide Firewall: Static rules for entire network, device, location, or application.
  • Global Rule Deployment: Configured rules deploy globally in < 500ms.
  • Granular Traffic Control: Allow/block based on protocol, IP, port, packet length.
  • Threat Intelligence Integration: Utilizes managed threat intelligence IP lists for enhanced security.
  • Geo-Blocking: Blocks traffic based on user location (country).
  • Protocol Validation Rules: Inspects traffic validity through protocol validation rules.
  • Zero Trust Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Cloudflare One Zero Trust services.

Developer Platform - Workers Free

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • Workers Features: 100k requests, 10ms CPU per request, low latency.
  • Key-Value Storage: 100k reads, 1k writes/deletes/lists, up to 1GB.
  • Platform Basics: 100 Worker scripts, 100 namespaces, global deployments.
  • Maintenance-Free Infrastructure: Auto-scaling, high-performance runtime, exclusive Mutual TLS.
  • Language Support: JavaScript, 10+ languages, CLI deployment capabilities.

Developer Platform - Workers Paid

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • Low Latency Assurance: Always ensures the lowest latency for requests.
  • Storage Operations: 10 million reads, 1 million writes/deletes/lists monthly.
  • Script and Namespace Limits: Up to 500 scripts, 100 namespaces, global deployments.
  • Maintenance-Free Infrastructure: Auto-scaling, high-performance runtime, exclusive Mutual TLS.
  • Language Support: Support for JavaScript and over 10 other languages.

Developer Platform - Cloudflare Free

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • Build Limitations: One build at a time.
  • Monthly Builds: Up to 500 builds per month.
  • Web Analytics Integration: Integrated analytics for comprehensive performance insights.
  • Admin Seats: Unlimited free admin seats for collaborative management.
  • Site Limitations: Unlimited support for hosting multiple sites.
  • Request Volume: Unrestricted monthly requests for enhanced accessibility.
  • Bandwidth: Limitless bandwidth for seamless data transfer capabilities.

Developer Platform - Cloudflare Pro

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • Concurrent Builds: Handle up to 5 concurrent builds.
  • Monthly Builds: Up to 5,000 builds per month.
  • Web Analytics Integration: Integrated analytics for comprehensive performance insights.
  • Admin Seats: Unlimited free admin seats for collaborative management.
  • Site Limitations: Unlimited support for hosting multiple sites.
  • Request Volume: Unrestricted monthly requests for enhanced accessibility.
  • Bandwidth: Limitless bandwidth for seamless data transfer capabilities.

Developer Platform - Cloudflare Business

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)

No Trial

  • Concurrent Builds: Handle up to 20 concurrent builds.
  • Monthly Builds: Up to 20,000 builds per month.
  • Web Analytics Integration: Integrated analytics for comprehensive performance insights.
  • Admin Seats: Unlimited free admin seats for collaborative management.
  • Site Limitations: Unlimited support for hosting multiple sites.
  • Request Volume: Unrestricted monthly requests for enhanced accessibility.
  • Bandwidth: Limitless bandwidth for seamless data transfer capabilities.



Steps to Cancel Cloudflare Subscription.

Canceling your Cloudflare subscription is a straightforward process and can be completed with a few simple steps, or you may choose to explore alternative plans. For detailed instructions, please Click here.

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Product FAQ

What is Cloudflare and what services does it provide?

Cloudflare is a web performance and security company that offers a range of services to enhance the speed, security, and reliability of websites and applications. Their services include content delivery network (CDN), DDoS protection, DNS management, and web application firewall (WAF) to optimize and secure online content.

How does Cloudflare's CDN improve website performance?

Cloudflare’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) caches static content like images, CSS, and JavaScript on servers strategically located around the world. When a user requests a webpage, Cloudflare delivers the cached content from the nearest server, reducing latency and significantly improving website load times. This ensures a faster and more reliable experience for visitors.

What security features does Cloudflare provide to protect websites from cyber threats?

Cloudflare offers robust security features to safeguard websites from various cyber threats. These include Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection, Web Application Firewall (WAF), SSL/TLS encryption, and threat intelligence. These measures help prevent malicious activities, unauthorized access, and secure data transmission over the internet.

How does Cloudflare protect against DDoS attacks?

Cloudflare’s DDoS protection leverages a global network of data centers to absorb and mitigate large-scale DDoS attacks. By distributing traffic across multiple servers and employing advanced security algorithms, Cloudflare can identify and mitigate malicious traffic, ensuring that legitimate requests reach the web server, and the website remains accessible during an attack.

Can I use Cloudflare for DNS management, and how does it improve website reliability?

Yes, Cloudflare provides DNS management services. By using Cloudflare’s DNS, you can benefit from their Anycast network, which ensures that DNS queries are resolved from the nearest data center. This reduces DNS resolution times and enhances website reliability. Additionally, Cloudflare’s DNS service includes security features like DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions) to protect against DNS-related attacks and vulnerabilities.

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