How to Cancel TIPQA - Subscribed.FYI
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TIPQA is a robust Quality Management System (QMS) designed to help organizations streamline processes, maintain compliance, and enhance product quality. It leverages digital workflows and a centralized database to ensure consistency, accuracy, and auditability across quality operations. Highly configurable and integrated, TIPQA supports critical quality processes, enabling businesses to meet rigorous industry standards.

How to Cancel TIPQA

To cancel the Deltek TIPQA product, you need to follow these steps based on Deltek’s professional services terms:


You must provide Deltek with advance written notice of your intention to cancel. This notice period is 10 business days.

Cancellation Process

  • Send a written notice to Deltek stating your intention to cancel the Service Order (SOW) or Order Form for the TIPQA product.
  • Ensure this notice is received by Deltek at least 10 business days before the effective cancellation date.

Fees and Expenses

  • You will be required to pay all fees and expenses for work performed up to the effective cancellation date.
  • For partially completed fixed fee engagements, the fees will be prorated based on the work completed.
  • You will also be responsible for any reasonable costs directly related to the cancellation.

Late Notice Penalty

  • If you cancel or reschedule with less than the 10 business days’ notice, you will be charged a fee equal to the total daily rates for the consultants assigned to the SOW or Order Form for each day that the actual notice was less than the required notice period.
  • However, this fee cannot exceed the remaining number of days scheduled on the SOW or Order Form.

Example of Cancellation Notice

Here is an example of how you might phrase your cancellation notice:

Dear Deltek Delivery Director,

This letter serves as formal notice of our intention to cancel the Service Order (SOW) for the Deltek TIPQA product, effective [Date of Cancellation].

We understand that we are required to provide 10 business days’ advance written notice and have ensured this notice is received within the specified timeframe.

Please confirm receipt of this notice and inform us of any additional steps or information required to complete the cancellation process.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Contact Information]

By following these steps, you can ensure a proper and compliant cancellation of the Deltek TIPQA product.