Subscribed.FYI's Free Subscription Management Platform

Find The Money Laying Around

Tired of hidden fees, forgotten subscriptions and mysterious payments? Our platform helps you track, cancel and re-negotiate better deals, all from one place. You could save hundreds of dollars in just a few clicks!

Take the power 🪄
No credit card required, no hidden charges

Find the peace of mind, and stop worrying about costs

Let our platform manage your subscriptions, saving you time and money

Find all subscriptions and avoid unfortunate surprises

Connect your bank account with Plaid and let us find your subscriptions, also the forgotten ones!

Let us automagically identify your Subscriptions and their hidden fees
Securely connect multiple accounts and cards
Alternatively, add and track subscriptions manually
Find all subscriptions ⚡️

Know all your expenses, and cancel unnecessary ones

Manage, cancel, re-negotiate, and find savings

Have a clear overview and know exactly what you're paying for
Get reminders before your subscriptions renew or the bills increase
Easily discover and cancel unused subscriptions with clear guidance
Take the control 👏

Re-negotiate better deals for your subscriptions, in just a few clicks

Unsatisfied with your current deal? Re-negotiate with us!

Make sure to always have the best deals
Use our ready re-negotiation process and save time and effort
Know your negotiation power - it's more than you probably imagine!
Explore your power 🔮

Product FAQ

Everything you need to know about the product

Can I customize the free template?

Yes! Our template is flexible, allowing you to adapt fields to fit your unique needs.

How do I access the free template?

Simply sign up with your email, and you'll receive a link to download the free template.

What does the free template offer?

Our free template simplifies tracking your SaaS subscriptions, expenditures, and renewal dates in an organized manner.

How does the Manage Subscriptions template help me save?

By offering a clear overview of all your SaaS tools, this page helps you identify redundant subscriptions or unused services, potentially leading to cost savings.

How much does the subscription management template cost?

It is 100% free, just download it from here.

Why is subscription management important?

Effective subscription management helps you keep track of your software costs, renewal dates, and usage, enabling you to optimize spending and reduce waste. Proper management often leads to savings.