How to Cancel Gruveo
To cancel a Gruveo subscription, you need to follow these steps, as the subscription is typically managed through the Google Play Store if you subscribed via an Android device:
Canceling Through Google Play on Android
- Open the Google Play app on your Android device.
- Tap your profile icon in the top right corner.
- Select "Payments & Subscriptions" from the menu.
- Tap "Subscriptions" to view your list of subscriptions.
- Select the Gruveo subscription you want to cancel.
- Tap "Cancel subscription" at the bottom of the subscription details page.
- Follow the on-screen instructions, including selecting a reason for cancellation if prompted.
- Confirm your cancellation.
Canceling Through Google Play on a Web Browser
- Go to the Google Play Subscriptions page on your web browser.
- Sign in to the Google Account associated with your Gruveo subscription.
- Find and select the Gruveo subscription you want to cancel.
- Click "Cancel subscription" and follow the on-screen instructions to confirm.
Important Notes
- Uninstalling the Gruveo app will not cancel your subscription.
- After canceling, you will still have access to the service until the end of your current billing cycle.
- If you need a refund, you must request it within 48 hours of the subscription being initiated; otherwise, you will need to contact Gruveo directly for any potential refund.