How to Cancel ProtonPACS
To cancel your ProtonPACS subscription, you need to follow these steps carefully:
You must notify Radsource, the provider of ProtonPACS, of your intention to cancel the subscription. This notification should be made in a timely manner to avoid any renewal of the subscription.
Contact Method
- You can terminate your subscription by contacting your account representative directly.
- Alternatively, you can submit a termination notice through the customer support form available on the Radsource website.
- Ensure that you notify Radsource at least 30 days before the renewal date of your subscription. If you notify them less than 30 days before the renewal date, your plan will renew for another term and will be cancelled at the end of that new renewal cycle.
Cancellation Process
- Once you have notified Radsource, the cancellation will be applied at the end of the current billing cycle. You will not receive a refund for the current cycle, but the subscription will not be renewed beyond that point.
- After the cancellation, you may lose access to certain features and data storage capabilities provided by ProtonPACS. Ensure that you have backed up any necessary data before the cancellation takes effect.
Here is a summary in an unordered list format:
- Notify Radsource of your intention to cancel the subscription.
- Contact your account representative or use the customer support form.
- Ensure notification is made at least 30 days before the renewal date.
- Cancellation will be applied at the end of the current billing cycle.
- Back up any necessary data before the cancellation takes effect.