OpenFOAM Pricing and Features overview 2025
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OpenFOAM is a powerful open-source software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, enabling robust analysis of fluid behavior and thermal dynamics. Highly customizable, it supports various solvers and modeling capabilities, from multi-phase flows to structural interaction. While requiring programming expertise, it offers unmatched flexibility and cost-efficiency for advanced simulations.

Pricing and Features

Here is the pricing information for using OpenFOAM on cloudHPC services, presented in a paragraph format since the details do not fit neatly into a table:

Using OpenFOAM on cloudHPC involves several cost factors. For a steady-state analysis on a 20M cells using simpleFoam, the estimated cost is approximately 24€ for a duration of about 10 hours on a 48 highcore PRE machine. For a transient analysis on a 10M cells using rhoPimpleFoam, the estimated cost is around 48€ for a duration of about 20 hours on a 48 highcore machine. These costs are based on highcore instance pricing per core/hour. Additionally, users can take advantage of free testing with 300 vCPU/Hours provided to get a real idea of the costs for their specific analyses.

For cloud-based CFD using OpenFOAM, costs can also vary based on the cloud provider. For example, using AWS instances, the cost for an c4.8xlarge instance with 18 physical cores can be $1.675 per hour for On-Demand instances, or an average of $0.30 per hour for Spot instances. Data transfer and storage costs also apply, such as $0.09 per GB beyond the first 1 GB of data transferred.