How to Cancel PeachWorks
To cancel your PeachWorks (now part of Get Beyond) subscription, follow these steps:
Notification and Cancellation Process
You need to provide notice to Peach’s (now Get Beyond) to cancel your subscription. Here’s how you can do it:
Send a Notice: Inform Get Beyond of your intention to cancel your subscription. This notice should be in writing and can be sent through the contact methods provided on their website.
Steps to Cancel
Access Your Account: Log into your PeachWorks or WhenToManage account, which is now integrated into the Get Beyond platform.
Contact Support: Reach out to the Get Beyond client support team via their website or the contact information provided. Let them know you wish to cancel your subscription.
Provide Necessary Details: Ensure you have your account details and any relevant information ready when you contact the support team.
Billing Cycle Considerations
- Your subscription will end at the conclusion of the current billing cycle. You will be charged for the entire billing cycle in which you cancel.
- After the billing cycle ends, your access to the solution will be revoked, and you will no longer be able to use the software or retrieve any data stored within it.
Data Retrieval
- Make sure to retrieve all necessary data from the software before the end of the billing cycle, as Get Beyond will not be liable for storing or retaining any data beyond that point.
Additional Considerations
- If you are terminating due to a material breach by Get Beyond that has not been remedied within 30 days of written notice, or if Get Beyond becomes subject to insolvency or bankruptcy administration, you may terminate the agreement without further fees. However, this must be done in accordance with the terms outlined in the agreement.
By following these steps, you can effectively cancel your PeachWorks subscription and manage the transition smoothly.