How to Cancel Admin By Request
To cancel or uninstall the Admin By Request product, you need to follow these steps carefully:
Uninstalling Admin By Request from a Windows or Mac Endpoint
- Ensure you have the necessary permissions and access to the endpoint.
Uninstall Process for Windows and Mac
For Windows and Mac Clients:
Shutdown and Reboot:
- Shut down the computer and reboot it.
- This step is necessary to access the boot menu.
Accessing Boot Menu
- If your computer boots using BIOS, press and hold down the Shift key while GRUB is loading.
- If your computer boots using UEFI, press the Escape key (Esc) while GRUB is loading.
- The timing needs to be precise, so you may need to press the key repeatedly if you miss the window.
Booting in Recovery Mode
- At the GRUB boot menu, select the entry for “Advanced Options …” and press Enter.
- Choose the most recent “recovery mode” option and press Enter.
Uninstall Command
- At the Password: prompt, enter the root password.
- Once in recovery mode, you can uninstall Admin By Request by executing the necessary uninstallation command. For Linux, the command would be specific, but for Windows and Mac, you would typically use the uninstall option provided in the application settings or control panel.
Specific Steps for Linux
- For Linux clients, you must know the root password for the endpoint.
- Execute the following command to uninstall Admin By Request for Linux:
Command to uninstall Admin By Request for Linux (version 3.1.9 or greater)
This command should be executed in the recovery mode terminal.
Additional Steps
- After uninstallation, ensure that all settings and configurations related to Admin By Request are removed from the endpoint.
- For domain-joined computers, verify that any changes made by Admin By Request to the local administrator group are reverted.
Removing Admin By Request from the Portal
Log In to the Portal
- Sign in to your Admin By Request account at the portal.
Remove Endpoint
- Navigate to the endpoint list and remove the endpoint that you have uninstalled Admin By Request from.
- Ensure all associated settings and configurations are updated accordingly.
Verify Removal
- Use the portal’s reporting features to verify that the endpoint is no longer listed and that all associated admin sessions and requests are cleared.
By following these steps, you can fully cancel and uninstall the Admin By Request product from your endpoints and the portal.