Reduce Your AllVoices Subscription Costs by 22%: Expert Strategies |
Project Management


AllVoices is an employee relations platform offering anonymous reporting, case management, and communication tools for effective workplace issue resolution. It aids in identifying trends and improving employee relations through data insights.

22% Off on Subscription with AllVoices

How much can customers reduce their spend with AllVoices?

22% Per Year

How to Reduce Your AllVoices Subscription Cost

AllVoices is an anonymous reporting and communication platform that empowers employees to report harassment, bias, culture issues, share feedback, and ask questions directly to their company’s leadership. The platform offers reporting and communication channels along with data insights to help companies proactively improve their culture.

Minimum estimated potential saving – 22%.

How to Reduce the Cost of AllVoices Subscription

Direct Cost Reduction Techniques

Optimize User Licenses

  • Audit User Licenses: Regularly review and remove inactive user accounts to avoid paying for unused licenses.
  • Permission Sets: Assign specific functionalities using permission sets instead of full licenses for users with basic needs.

Data Storage Management

  • Archive Old Data: Implement data archiving to manage storage costs effectively.
  • Data Validation Rules: Use data validation rules to prevent unnecessary data entry, optimizing storage usage.

Process Automation

  • Workflow and Approval Processes: Automate repetitive tasks and approval processes to reduce the need for additional licenses and enhance efficiency.

Implementing Workarounds to Reduce Subscription Costs

Integrations with Free/Freemium Tools

  • Zapier: Use Zapier to automate tasks such as basic data cleansing, potentially reducing the need for additional licenses.
  • Slack: Integrate with free tools like Slack for internal communication and collaboration, reducing dependence on AllVoices’ internal features.

Bundling Options for Cost Savings

Pairing/Bundling for Discounts

  • Partner Programs: Investigate if your company qualifies for partner discounts through collaborations with other software providers. Some cloud storage services, for example, offer discounts when bundled with platforms like Salesforce.

Negotiating with Support

Contact Customer Support for Discounts

  • Discuss Usage Patterns: Engage with AllVoices support to discuss your current usage patterns. They might offer discounts based on your specific needs and historical data.
  • Negotiate Renewal Rates: Before renewing your subscription, negotiate renewal rates with support. Demonstrating loyalty and commitment to the platform can sometimes lead to better pricing.

Switching Subscription Types

Annual Subscriptions

  • Switch to Annual Billing: Opt for annual subscriptions to benefit from discounts typically offered for long-term commitments compared to monthly billing.

Reducing Inactive Users

  • Review User Activity: Regularly review user activity and remove inactive licenses to optimize costs.

Alternatives to AllVoices

Exploring Alternative Solutions

Consider these alternatives for potential cost savings:

  • TINYpulse: A platform that allows employees to give anonymous feedback and provides tools for improving employee engagement. Learn more about TINYpulse.
  • Officevibe: An employee engagement platform that offers anonymous feedback, pulse surveys, and actionable insights to improve workplace culture. Learn more about Officevibe.
  • 15Five: A performance management tool that includes employee feedback, objectives tracking, and performance reviews. Learn more about 15Five.
  • Culture Amp: An employee engagement and performance platform offering surveys, insights, and analytics to help improve workplace culture. Learn more about Culture Amp.

Open-Source Solutions

  • Open-Source Tools: Depending on your needs, explore open-source solutions that might offer similar functionalities at a lower cost. Use resources like “Opensource for AllVoices” to find applicable tools.

By implementing these strategies, negotiating with support, and exploring alternative solutions, you can effectively manage and reduce your AllVoices subscription costs while maintaining essential functionalities for your business operations.