Pricing and Features
Archibus Pricing Information
Archibus is priced on a term-based licensing model with the following key points:
Software Pricing
- Annual subscription prices range from £48,000 to £250,000, depending on the specific modules needed. This includes hosting and support.
- The annual subscription covers the software license, maintenance, support, and Cloud Service for two environments (production and staging) with 200GB disk space each.
User Licence Pricing
Power Users: Licenses can be purchased in quantities from 10 to 250 users, costing from £4,000 to £100,000.
Request Users: Licenses can be purchased in quantities from 25 to 250 users, costing from £600 to £5,200.
Additional Costs
- Additional environments (e.g., acceptance, training) are available for £550 per environment per month.
- Extra disk space is available for £275 per 1TB per month.
Other Costs
- There is a one-off set-up cost, followed by an annual Service Fee.
- A minimum subscription period of three years is required.
Professional Services
- Professional services and consultancy rates are available in the SFIA rate card provided by JLL.