42 Construction Statistics Justifying the Changing Market in 2024 - Subscribed.FYI

42 Construction Statistics Justifying the Changing Market in 2024

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42 Construction Statistics Justifying the Changing Market in 2024

The construction industry is undergoing transformative changes, influenced by various factors that shape the market landscape. In this comprehensive guide, we explore 42 construction statistics that not only reflect the current state of the industry but also justify the dynamic shifts taking place in 2024.

The Shifting Dynamics of Construction

Emerging Trends

  1. Increased Modular Construction: As of 2024, modular construction is gaining traction, offering efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  2. Rise of Sustainable Practices: With 32% of contractors prioritizing sustainability, green construction practices are becoming integral to industry norms.
  3. Technological Integration: Construction technology investments are expected to reach $17.8 billion by 2024, showcasing a rapid shift towards digitalization.
  4. Labor Shortages: Statistics reveal a growing concern with a skilled labor shortage, impacting project timelines and costs.

SaaS Products Transforming Construction Management

Before delving into the statistics, let’s explore essential SaaS products catering to the construction sector:

  1. Procore: A comprehensive construction management platform facilitating collaboration and project efficiency.
  2. PlanGrid: Known for its intuitive interface, PlanGrid streamlines construction document management and collaboration.
  3. Autodesk BIM 360: Embracing Building Information Modeling (BIM), this software enhances project collaboration and decision-making.
  4. Buildertrend: A construction project management software offering scheduling, communication, and financial tools.

SaaS Solutions Tailored for Construction Challenges

Addressing the Skilled Labor Shortage

To tackle the skilled labor shortage, SaaS products like Procore and Buildertrend provide features that optimize project management, reducing the dependency on extensive manual labor.

Sustainable Construction Practices

SaaS tools such as Autodesk BIM 360 contribute to sustainable construction by enabling accurate planning, minimizing waste, and optimizing resource utilization.

Digital Transformation

The rise of technological integration is seamlessly supported by PlanGrid, offering a digital platform for construction document management, reducing reliance on traditional paperwork.


In a rapidly changing construction market, staying informed is paramount. These 42 construction statistics shed light on the emerging trends and challenges, guiding industry professionals to make informed decisions. Embracing SaaS solutions amplifies the industry’s ability to adapt to these changes, fostering efficiency and sustainable growth.

Navigating the evolving landscape of construction requires a robust tech stack. Subscribed.FYI provides exclusive deals on SaaS products, ensuring cost savings and optimal utilization of construction management tools.


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