Bigger Than Shopify: Identifying Companies with Greater Market Presence than Shopify - Subscribed.FYI
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Bigger Than Shopify: Identifying Companies with Greater Market Presence than Shopify

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Bigger Than Shopify: Identifying Companies with Greater Market Presence than Shopify

Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that has revolutionized the way businesses operate online. However, there are several companies with a greater market presence than Shopify123. Let’s take a look at some of these companies.


Alibaba, a Chinese multinational conglomerate specializing in e-commerce, retail, internet, and technology, holds the largest market share in the global e-commerce market2. With a market share of 24% in 2021, Alibaba surpasses Shopify’s market presence2.


Amazon, an American multinational technology company, is another major player in the e-commerce market. In 2021, Amazon held a 13% market share, making it a significant competitor to Shopify2.


WooCommerce, a customizable, open-source e-commerce platform built on WordPress, also has a considerable market presence. As of 2023, WooCommerce Checkout owns a majority of the share when it comes to e-commerce platforms used by the top 1 million sites1.

Wix Stores

Wix Stores, an e-commerce platform offered by Wix, holds an 11% market share, making it one of the most popular e-commerce platforms globally1.

Relevant SaaS Products for the SaaS Subscription Stack

Here are some relevant SaaS products that can be beneficial for the SaaS subscription stack:

  1. Whop4: A top-rated SaaS subscription management software. Official Website
  2. Stripe Billing5: Known as a payment provider, Stripe also offers subscription management features. Official Website
  3. Chargebee6: A globally used SaaS subscription management software. Official Website
  4. Zuora7: A comprehensive subscription management platform. Official Website
  5. Pabbly8: A subscription management software that offers a range of features. Official Website


While Shopify has made a significant impact in the e-commerce market, several companies, including Alibaba, Amazon, WooCommerce, and Wix Stores, have a greater market presence. These companies have leveraged their unique strengths and strategies to capture a larger share of the market. Additionally, various SaaS products can further enhance e-commerce capabilities, particularly in managing subscriptions.

Relevant Links

  1. Top Ecommerce Platforms Compared in 2023 + Market Share
  2. Top Shopify Competitors & Alternatives 2023 – Gartner
  3. Top global e-commerce platforms market share 2023 | Statista
  4. E-Commerce Winners and Losers in 2022 – Marketplace Pulse
  5. Whop
  6. Stripe Billing
  7. Chargebee
  8. Zuora
  9. Pabbly.
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