Inventory for Handmade Business: Managing Craft Supplies Effectively - Subscribed.FYI

Inventory for Handmade Business: Managing Craft Supplies Effectively

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Inventory for Handmade Business: Managing Craft Supplies Effectively

Managing inventory is a crucial aspect of running a handmade business. It involves tracking both finished goods and raw materials, which can be a complex task for crafters. However, several SaaS products can help simplify this process. Here are some tools that can effectively manage craft supplies for your handmade business:

1. Craftybase

Craftybase offers a range of inventory management tools specifically designed for crafters. Their free Craft Seller Inventory Spreadsheet helps you track materials, products, and orders. They also offer comprehensive craft inventory software that handles inventory management, cost of goods sold (COGS), expenses, pricing, and taxes.

2. Inventora3

Inventora is an all-in-one system for makers and manufacturers. It helps manage raw materials through production and fulfillment for your business. With an easy-to-use interface, you can quickly analyze data and gain insight into your inventory.

3. Smartsheet

Smartsheet offers free small business inventory templates. These templates include unique inventory item numbers, names, manufacturer, description, cost per item, stock quantity, reorder level, and discontinuation details.

4. Excel or Google Sheets

You may already be using a simple spreadsheet-based system, such as Excel or Google Sheets, to manage your inventory. A basic spreadsheet should include columns labeled with date, description, ordered, consigned, total, material cost, and notes. You can customize these tabs to meet your own needs.

5. IndieMade

If you use IndieMade to manage your store, keeping track of how many items you have listed in your store is even easier, because as your products sell your stock level is adjusted automatically.


Inventory management is a perpetual task — it doesn’t reset each year in January . It’s a moving, evolving entity that requires constant attention. However, with the right tools, you can make this task more manageable and efficient. The SaaS products listed above are designed to help you effectively manage your craft supplies, so you can spend more time creating and less time managing. Give them a try and find the perfect tool for your handmade business.

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Remember, the key to successful inventory management is finding a system that works for you and sticking to it. Happy crafting!

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