Measuring Marketing ROI: Key Metrics and Analytics Tools - Subscribed.FYI

Measuring Marketing ROI: Key Metrics and Analytics Tools

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Measuring Marketing ROI: Key Metrics and Analytics Tools

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, understanding the return on investment (ROI) of your efforts is crucial. This blog post explores the significance of marketing ROI, why tracking it is essential, and the tools available to streamline this process.

What are Marketing ROI Tools?

Marketing ROI tools are indispensable for those serious about monitoring and optimizing marketing effectiveness. These tools empower businesses to identify the most impactful marketing channels and campaigns, allowing them to view the direct correlation between marketing efforts and sales revenue. Without these tools, there’s a risk of allocating budget to underperforming campaigns or, worse, campaigns that deliver no value at all.

Importance of Tracking ROI in Marketing

Regardless of the size of your business, tracking ROI is a vital metric. The ultimate goal for any marketer is to boost revenue and acquire new customers. ROI serves as a key indicator of whether marketing efforts are contributing to the profitability of the business. While lead conversion metrics have been a historical focus for marketers, it’s crucial to recognize that leads, much like clicks, do not guarantee revenue. By shifting the focus to revenue outcomes, marketers can identify strategies with the most significant impact on their business and optimize performance for faster revenue growth.

Related: How to definitively prove your ROI

What to Look for in ROI Tracking Tools

Choosing the right ROI tracking tool involves considering the unique needs of your business. Here are some factors to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Usability: Opt for an easy-to-use solution that allows employees to access, share, and extract data effortlessly.
  2. Full Customer Journey Tracking: Ensure the tool can seamlessly coordinate online and offline touchpoints for a comprehensive view of the customer journey.
  3. Integrations: Look for a tool that integrates with your current Martech stack, providing an accurate view of the customer journey and facilitating smarter budget decisions.
  4. Pricing: Be aware of hidden fees and extra costs associated with analytics tools, as some providers charge for integrations, extra usage, and additional accounts.

The Best ROI Tools for Digital Marketers

Becoming a revenue-focused marketer is easier with the right tools. Here are some top ROI tools to streamline your marketing and sales processes:

1. Ruler Analytics

To determine if your marketing is contributing revenue, Ruler Analytics captures all interactions throughout an individual customer journey. It automatically attributes closed revenue to influencing marketing channels, campaigns, keywords, and more. Key features include customer journey tracking, marketing attribution, opportunity attribution, offline conversion tracking, diminishing returns, and a budget optimizer. Pricing starts at £199 a month.

Book a demo and see how Ruler can improve ROI

2. Cyfe

Cyfe offers an all-in-one business dashboard solution with real-time data integration. It seamlessly integrates with various tools, providing a complete view of business performance. With pre-built widgets and reporting abilities, Cyfe allows for easy customization of dashboards to measure and monitor ROI from each marketing campaign and channel. Pricing starts at $19 per month.

3. Google Analytics

For businesses selling products or with a shopping cart, Google Analytics is a powerful tool for revenue tracking. It’s free to use and offers valuable insights into website performance. By assigning monetary values to goals, businesses can track the influence of marketing tactics on sales. Integrating Ruler Analytics with Google Analytics enhances understanding of campaign, keyword, and ad performance.

Learn how Ruler benefits Google Analytics

4. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics highlights best-performing channels in terms of revenue. Its revenue reporting allows businesses to showcase earnings from marketing, identify revenue sources, and evaluate campaign lifetime value. Similar to Google Analytics, Kissmetrics tracks metrics such as page views, bounce rate, and time on site. Pricing plans include Growth ($500 per month), Power ($850 per month), and Enterprise (custom pricing).

5. Planful

Planful helps marketers track and monitor goals, campaigns, budgets, and ROI by consolidating all marketing data for a unified view. While Planful does not publish pricing on its website, it offers customized pricing plans based on specific customer needs.


In conclusion, measuring marketing ROI is a fundamental aspect of optimizing marketing strategies for business growth. By utilizing the right tools, such as Ruler Analytics, Cyfe, Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, and Planful, marketers can gain valuable insights into their campaigns, streamline processes, and make data-driven decisions. Understanding the customer journey, integrating tools with existing systems, and carefully considering pricing structures are key elements in selecting the most suitable ROI tracking tool for your business.

For further insights into measuring marketing ROI and the tools mentioned, explore the following resources:

Remember, choosing the right ROI tool is a crucial step in ensuring the success of your marketing efforts and driving sustained business growth.

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