PoliciesByAI: Free AI Privacy Policy & ToS Generator for Your Website or App - Subscribed.FYI

PoliciesByAI: Free AI Privacy Policy & ToS Generator for Your Website or App

- Web Development & Design

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Revolutionizing Privacy Policies and Terms of Service Generation with PoliciesByAI

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development and entrepreneurship, having a solid Privacy Policy and Terms of Service (ToS) is paramount. However, crafting these legal documents can be a daunting task. Enter @lewisbuildsai and his groundbreaking project – PoliciesByAI. This article delves into the innovative concept of a Free AI Privacy Policy & ToS Generator and how it’s simplifying the legal aspect for indie devs, solopreneurs, and makers.

Understanding PoliciesByAI

The Visionary Behind the Project

Meet @lewisbuildsai, the mind behind PoliciesByAI. In 2024, he embarked on a mission to build 12 free AI-powered tools tailored for indie devs and makers. PoliciesByAI, the first of the dozen, stands out as a revolutionary solution for generating compliant Privacy Policies and Terms of Service.

Unveiling the Free AI Privacy Policy & ToS Generator

Generate your Policies for Free

The core offering of PoliciesByAI is a user-friendly, AI-driven platform that allows you to create a Privacy Policy and ToS for your website or application – and the best part? It’s absolutely free. In just 30 seconds, without the need for any sign-up, you can have legally compliant documents tailored to your project.

Behind the Scenes: Tech Stack

PoliciesByAI is not just a tool; it’s a sophisticated project built with a stack of cutting-edge technologies:

  • SvelteKit (frontend): Ensuring a smooth and responsive user interface.
  • shadcn-svelte (UI components): Enhancing the visual aesthetics and user experience.
  • LangchainJS (AI): Powering the AI capabilities for generating accurate legal content.
  • Zeplo (Queue): Managing the workflow efficiently.
  • Prisma (DB): Ensuring robust database management.
  • Vercel (Infrastructure): Providing a scalable and reliable infrastructure.

Experience PoliciesByAI in Action

Simple and Quick Process

The beauty of PoliciesByAI lies in its simplicity. The process is straightforward:

  • Visit the PoliciesByAI website.
  • Choose a policy to begin.
  • Generate your Privacy Policy and ToS for free.

Example Preview

Curious to see how your generated policies will look? @lewisbuildsai has got you covered. Click here to view an example and get a glimpse of what PoliciesByAI can do for you.

Follow the Journey

@lewisbuildsai is not just providing a tool; he’s sharing his journey on Twitter. Follow him for updates, insights, and more as he continues to build tools to empower the developer and maker community.


PoliciesByAI is not just a tool; it’s a game-changer for anyone venturing into the digital landscape. Crafting legally sound Privacy Policies and ToS has never been this easy and accessible. Embrace the future of legal documentation with PoliciesByAI – where innovation meets simplicity.

Explore PoliciesByAI Now: PoliciesByAI

While you ensure legal compliance with PoliciesByAI, optimize your subscription management effortlessly with Subscribed.FYI. Unlock exclusive member-only deals with 100+ SaaS tools, streamline your subscriptions, and take control of expenses. Sign up for free and unlock the full potential of your subscriptions.

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