Starting Social Media Management: Entry Strategies for Beginners - Subscribed.FYI

Starting Social Media Management: Entry Strategies for Beginners

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Starting Social Media Management: Entry Strategies for Beginners

Social media management can be a daunting task for beginners, especially those without prior experience. However, with the right entry strategies and the assistance of powerful SaaS tools, navigating the realm of social media becomes much more manageable. In this article, we’ll explore how to start social media management from scratch, offering insights and introducing essential SaaS products to kickstart your journey.

Understanding the Basics

1. Define Your Goals: Before diving in, establish clear goals for your social media presence. Whether it’s brand awareness, engagement, or lead generation, having defined objectives will guide your strategy.

2. Identify Your Target Audience: Know your audience. Conduct research to understand who your potential followers are and tailor your content to resonate with them.

3. Choose the Right Platforms: Select social media platforms based on your target audience and business niche. Don’t spread yourself too thin; focus on platforms that align with your goals.

Crafting Engaging Content

1. Curate Valuable Content: Share a mix of original and curated content that adds value to your audience. This can include blog posts, industry news, and user-generated content.

2. Utilize Visuals: Visual content stands out. Use images, videos, and infographics to capture your audience’s attention and convey your message effectively.

3. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, messages, and mentions. Building a community requires active engagement and fostering genuine connections.

Essential SaaS Tools for Beginners

  1. Hootsuite: An all-in-one social media management platform allowing you to schedule posts, track performance, and manage multiple social media accounts in one place.
  2. Buffer: Simplify your social media scheduling with Buffer. Plan and schedule posts across different platforms, ensuring a consistent posting schedule.
  3. Canva: Create visually appealing graphics with Canva. Design eye-catching posts, banners, and infographics to enhance your social media presence.
  4. Later: Focus on Instagram with Later. Plan and schedule posts, manage your Instagram feed, and utilize visual planning tools.
  5. Brandwatch: Dive into social listening with Brandwatch. Monitor social media conversations to understand what people are saying about your brand and industry.


Embarking on your social media management journey as a beginner may seem challenging, but with a solid strategy and the right tools, success is within reach. Utilize Hootsuite, Buffer, Canva, Later, and Brandwatch to streamline your efforts and make your social media presence impactful.

Elevate your social media management with Subscribed.FYI. Sign up for free to access exclusive deals on SaaS tools, ensuring you have the best resources for your social media strategy.

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