Viral Mysteries: The Science Behind Why Ads Go Viral - Subscribed.FYI

Viral Mysteries: The Science Behind Why Ads Go Viral

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Viral Mysteries: The Science Behind Why Ads Go Viral

In an increasingly fragmented media landscape, creating viral ads can seem like winning the lottery. However, by reverse engineering past viral hits, data-driven patterns emerge on catalysts sparking collective contagion. This guide uncovers key ingredients on strategically engineering viral ads.

1. Optimizing for Social Currency

Content earns social currency by packing value that makes audiences feel intelligent for sharing – whether humorous, useful or shocking. Mention monitors branded keywords across social channels to identify trending topics and ideate ads with hooks embedding shareable relevance.

Its analytics inform viral ideation based on rising external signals observed in real-time across unstructured data streams. Aligning to social currency multiplies contagion potential.

2. Incorporating Influencer Credibility

92% of consumers trust influencer recommendations over brands. However, identifying and collaborating with credible niche advocates requires manual research across scattered platforms. CreatorIQ consolidates influencer data points for streamlined partnership activation based on campaign goals and audience congruency.

Strategic collaborations with credible personalities lend third-party social proof while expanding branded content across advocate owned channels. Influencer credibility catalyzes cascading impressions.

3. Activating Augmented Reality

AR overlays digital elements onto real environments for interactive, digitally-enhanced experiences through mobile cameras. Snapchat Sponsored Lenses enable brands to sponsor custom AR filters with viral hooks – from virtual try-ons to branded image effects upon trigger actions.

Viral lenses average over 15+ play sessions as users actively capture and share AR moments. Blending reality and fantasy captivates and engages modern audiences primed for virality.

4. Microtargeting Receptive Niches

Videos autoplaying in feeds must instantly intrigue scrolling consumers long enough to voluntarily opt into watching ahead. Facebook Video Advertising enables brands to microtarget video ads by demographics, interests, behaviors, and custom lookalike audiences predictive of positive engagement.

Strategic targeting multiplies exposures within receptive niches primed for social transmission upon effective impression strikes. Microtargeting prequalifies viral readiness through receptive vectors.


Engineering viral ads relies on embedding strategic ingredients predictive of social contagion by modern consumers based on monitored signals of currency, credibility, novelty, or relevance. Optimizing creative assets for encryption of shareability multiplies organic transmission into full epidemic crowdsourced promotion.

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