How to Cancel CATIA
To cancel your CATIA product subscription, follow these steps:
Cancellation Process
For Automatic Renewal Cancellation
- Log in to your account on the Dassault Systèmes website.
- Navigate to the ‘Subscriptions’ tab under your ‘Account’ section.
- Locate the subscription you want to cancel and disable the automatic renewal option. This must be done up to 5 days before the end of your subscription period for monthly plans, and up to 30 days before for yearly and quarterly plans.
For Refund and Cancellation Within the 15-Day Policy
- If you are within the 15-day money-back policy period, you can request a refund.
- Fill out the online support form and select the ‘refund & cancellations’ category.
- Once your order cancellation request is approved, you will receive a prompt refund, which will be processed and reflected in your bank account within 10 business days. Note that this policy does not apply to fee-based offers, monthly subscriptions, or renewal orders.
General Cancellation
- For subscriptions that are not eligible for the 15-day money-back policy, you can still cancel your subscription but it will stop at the next anniversary date.
- After cancelling, your data will remain available for 2 weeks from the cancellation request date.
Additional Information
- Ensure you review the full FAQ section on the Dassault Systèmes website for any additional details or specific requirements related to your subscription plan.
- If you need further assistance or have specific requirements, you can contact the support team via the contact form provided on the website.