Datalogz Pricing & Features Overview - Subscribed.FYI
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Datalogz revolutionizes BI operations by offering unparalleled visibility, cost reduction, risk mitigation, and increased efficiency. Tailored for analysts, managers, governance teams, and executives, it optimizes BI environments for better decision-making and operational excellence.


What is Datalogz?

Datalogz is a cutting-edge Business Intelligence (BI) Operations platform designed to revolutionize how organizations interact with their BI environments. It serves as a comprehensive solution for gaining visibility into BI tools and processes, enabling businesses to streamline operations, reduce costs, and mitigate risks. Datalogz facilitates a more efficient and informed decision-making process by providing insights into BI tool usage, data lineage, and overall system health.

Why Use Datalogz?

In the realm of business intelligence and data management, Datalogz stands out by offering:

  • Enhanced Visibility: Datalogz provides unparalleled insights into your BI environment, allowing you to understand how data is being used, by whom, and for what purpose. This visibility is crucial for optimizing resources and improving BI governance.
  • Cost Reduction: By identifying underutilized resources and streamlining BI processes, Datalogz helps organizations significantly cut costs associated with their BI tools and operations.
  • Risk Mitigation: Datalogz aids in reducing risks by offering detailed data lineage and impact analysis features. This ensures that businesses can anticipate and mitigate the effects of changes within their BI environment.
  • Increased BI Efficiency: With Datalogz, organizations can enhance the efficiency of their BI operations through better management of BI assets, improved collaboration among teams, and faster resolution of issues.

Who is Datalogz For?

Datalogz is designed for a wide array of users within an organization:

  • BI Analysts and Data Scientists: These professionals benefit from Datalogz by gaining insights into data usage patterns, optimizing queries, and improving the performance of their BI tools.
  • IT and BI Managers: Managers utilize Datalogz to oversee the BI environment, ensure compliance with data governance policies, and make informed decisions about BI tool investments and optimizations.
  • Data Governance Teams: For those involved in data governance, Datalogz provides the tools needed to monitor and enforce data usage policies, ensuring data quality and compliance.
  • C-Level Executives: Executives leverage Datalogz to obtain a high-level view of their organization’s BI health, making strategic decisions to enhance operational efficiency and drive business growth.

In conclusion, Datalogz is an essential platform for any organization looking to optimize its BI operations. Whether you’re a data analyst, a manager, involved in data governance, or a C-level executive, Datalogz offers the tools and insights needed to transform your BI environment, enabling more efficient, cost-effective, and risk-averse operations.




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11% Per Year

Pricing and Features

Product Tier




  • Risk Reduction: Instill trust, cut costs, and monitor.
  • Data Trust: Reinforce data credibility.
  • Cost Cutting: Streamline BI expenses.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Enhance security and usage tracking.
  • Flexible Deployment: VPC or Managed Service.
  • Seamless Integrations: Direct connection to data sources.
  • Immediate Setup: Start instantly without data migration.
  • Insight Unlocking: Gain actionable business insights.
  • Reporting Efficiency: Streamline business reporting.
  • Productivity Enhancement: Optimize data utilization.



Improving Your BI Operations: Cancelling Your Datalogz Subscription

As your organization’s needs in Business Intelligence (BI) operations evolve, or as you explore alternative platforms for optimizing BI environments, Datalogz recognizes the necessity of providing a straightforward process to cancel your subscription. To facilitate a smooth transition and prevent any unintended charges, please refer to this page.

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Product FAQ

What is Datalogz?

Datalogz is a data management platform that helps businesses collect, store, and analyze their data in a secure and efficient manner.

How does Datalogz ensure data security?

Datalogz uses advanced encryption and security protocols to protect your data from unauthorized access. We also have strict access controls and monitoring in place to ensure the safety of your data.

Can Datalogz handle large volumes of data?

Yes, Datalogz is designed to handle large volumes of data, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. Our platform is scalable and can accommodate growing data needs.

What kind of data analysis capabilities does Datalogz offer?

Datalogz offers a range of data analysis tools, including data visualization, machine learning, and predictive analytics. These tools help businesses gain valuable insights from their data to make informed decisions.

How can I integrate Datalogz with my existing systems?

Datalogz offers easy integration with a variety of data sources and systems, including databases, cloud storage, and third-party applications. Our team can also provide support and guidance for seamless integration.

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