Figma Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
Web Development & Design


Figma is a cloud-based design and prototyping platform fostering real-time collaboration among designers, developers, and stakeholders. With cross-platform accessibility, design systems, and prototyping features, Figma streamlines the product development process for diverse teams.


What is Figma?

Figma is a powerful cloud-based design and prototyping platform that revolutionizes the way teams collaborate on creating digital products. Positioned as a collaborative interface design tool, Figma allows designers, developers, and stakeholders to work together in real time, streamlining the design-to-development process and fostering seamless communication throughout the product development lifecycle.

Why Use Figma?

In the competitive landscape of design and prototyping tools, Figma excels by:

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Figma enables real-time collaboration, allowing multiple team members to work on the same project simultaneously. This facilitates efficient communication and reduces iteration times.
  • Cross-Platform Accessibility: Figma is a cloud-based platform accessible from any device with an internet connection. This cross-platform accessibility ensures that teams can collaborate seamlessly, regardless of their physical location or device preferences.
  • Design Systems and Components: Figma supports the creation of design systems and reusable components. This feature promotes consistency across designs, accelerates the design process, and simplifies updates to design elements.
  • Prototyping and User Testing: Designers can create interactive prototypes directly within Figma, making it easy to test and iterate on user experiences. The platform’s prototyping capabilities enhance collaboration between designers and developers.

Who is Figma For?

Figma caters to a diverse range of users:

  • Designers: Graphic designers, UX/UI designers, and visual designers use Figma to create and collaborate on interface designs, prototypes, and design systems.
  • Developers: Developers leverage Figma to inspect design elements, access design specifications, and collaborate with designers during the development phase, ensuring a smooth handoff from design to code.
  • Product Managers: Product managers use Figma to review designs, provide feedback, and stay informed about the progress of design projects. Figma enhances communication and alignment within cross-functional teams.
  • Collaborative Teams: Cross-functional teams benefit from Figma’s collaborative features, creating a centralized hub for designers, developers, and stakeholders to collaborate throughout the entire product design and development process.

Figma stands out as a versatile and collaborative design platform, offering a unified space for designing, prototyping, and iterating on digital products. Whether you’re a designer, developer, product manager, or part of a collaborative team, Figma provides the tools necessary to streamline the design and development workflow.




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Pricing and Features

Product Tier


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • 3 Figma and 3 FigJam Files: Access up to 3 Figma and 3 FigJam files for versatile design.
  • Unlimited Personal Files: Create an unlimited number of personal files for various projects.
  • Unlimited Collaborators: Collaborate seamlessly with an unlimited number of collaborators.
  • Plugins and Templates: Enhance functionality with plugins and utilize customizable templates.
  • Mobile App: Work on the go with the Figma mobile app for increased flexibility.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Unlimited Figma Files: Create an unlimited number of Figma files for extensive design projects.
  • Unlimited Version History: Access and revert to unlimited version history for seamless collaboration.
  • Shared and Private Projects: Collaborate on both shared and private projects for versatility.
  • Team Libraries: Utilize team libraries for consistent and efficient design elements.
  • Advanced Prototyping (BETA): Explore advanced prototyping features in the BETA version.
  • Dev Mode: Enhance development workflows with Dev Mode for efficient design-to-code processes.


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Org-Wide Libraries: Access organization-wide libraries for cohesive design elements.
  • Design System Analytics: Analyze design system performance for informed decision-making.
  • Branching and Merging: Implement branching and merging for efficient collaboration.
  • Centralized File Management: Manage files centrally for streamlined workflows.
  • Unified Admin and Billing: Administer and handle billing in one unified platform.
  • Private Plugins: Utilize private plugins for extended functionality and security.
  • Single Sign-On: Streamline access with Single Sign-On for enhanced user convenience.
  • BETA: Explore features in the BETA version for cutting-edge capabilities.
  • Dev Mode: Enhance development workflows with Dev Mode for efficient design-to-code processes.


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Dedicated Workspaces: Create dedicated workspaces for focused collaboration.
  • Advanced Design Systems: Implement advanced design systems for streamlined workflows.
  • Guest Access Controls: Control guest access for enhanced security.
  • Role Setting via SCIM: Set roles via SCIM for efficient user management.
  • Idle Session Timeout: Enhance security with idle session timeout settings.
  • Enforced Password Links: Secure accounts with enforced password links.
  • Network Access Restrictions: Implement network access restrictions for controlled access.
  • Onboarding and Account Support: Receive onboarding and account support for a smooth experience.
  • Expiring Public Links: Set expiring public links for improved link management.
  • Dev Mode: Enhance development workflows with Dev Mode for efficient design-to-code processes.



Steps to Cancel Figma Subscription.
Canceling your Figma subscription is a straightforward process. For detailed instructions, Click here.

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Product FAQ

What is Figma, and how does it revolutionize collaborative design and prototyping?

Figma is a cloud-based design and prototyping tool that transforms the way teams collaborate on visual projects. It enables designers to create, share, and iterate on design files in real-time. Figma’s collaborative features make it an ideal platform for teams working on user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, allowing for seamless collaboration regardless of geographical location.

How can I start using Figma for collaborative design?

To start using Figma:

  1. Visit the Figma website at and sign up for an account.
  2. Access Figma directly from the web browser; no software installation is required.
  3. Create a new project, invite team members, and start designing collaboratively in real-time.
  4. Utilize Figma’s powerful design tools, libraries, and prototyping features to bring your ideas to life.

What are the key features of Figma?

Figma offers a range of features for collaborative design and prototyping, including:

  • Real-time Collaboration: Simultaneous editing and design collaboration in real-time.
  • Cloud-based Storage: Cloud storage for design files, accessible from any device.
  • Prototyping: Create interactive prototypes to visualize user flows and interactions.
  • Design Libraries: Create and use design systems and component libraries for consistency.
  • Version History: Track changes and revert to previous versions with comprehensive version history.

How does Figma facilitate design consistency across projects?

Figma promotes design consistency through:

  • Design Systems: Create and maintain design systems to establish consistent styles and elements.
  • Component Libraries: Build reusable component libraries for UI elements and design patterns.
  • Styles and Assets: Define and use global styles, color palettes, and assets for consistency.
  • Team Collaboration: Enable team members to access and use the same design resources for uniformity.

Can Figma be used for more than just UI/UX design?

Yes, Figma is a versatile tool that extends beyond UI/UX design. It can be used for:

  • Collaborative Illustration: Create and collaborate on illustrations and graphics.
  • Wireframing and Prototyping: Design wireframes and interactive prototypes for websites and applications.
  • Presentation Design: Develop and collaborate on presentation materials and slides.
  • User Flows and Diagrams: Visualize and collaborate on user flows, diagrams, and process maps.
  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration among different teams, such as designers, developers, and stakeholders, for a holistic project approach.

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