How to Cancel Dreamweaver - Subscribed.FYI
Web Development & Design


Adobe Dreamweaver, part of Adobe Creative Cloud, is a web design and development tool for designers and developers. With a visual interface, robust code editor, responsive design tools, and Creative Cloud integration, it caters to diverse users creating visually appealing and responsive websites.

How to Cancel Dreamweaver

  1. Access Adobe Account Page
  2. Sign In
    • Log in to your Adobe account.
  3. Locate the Plan
    • Under “Manage plan,” select the subscription you want to cancel.
  4. Access Plan Details
    • Choose “Manage plan” or “View plan” to see subscription details.
  5. Initiate Cancellation
    • Select “Cancel your plan.” If not visible, wait 24 hours and try again.
  6. Check Plan Details
    • Review your plan details to ensure accuracy.
  7. Continue to Cancel
    • Click “Continue to cancel.”
  8. Review Cancellation Details
    • Carefully go through cancellation information.
  9. Confirm Cancellation
    • Select “Confirm cancellation” to proceed.
  10. Confirmation Email:
    • Check your email for a cancellation confirmation.
  11. Verify on Account Page
    • Optionally, confirm the cancellation on your Adobe account page.

Canceling a Teams Plan (Creative Cloud for Teams)

  • For team subscriptions, refer to Adobe’s specific guidelines.

Cancellation Fee and Refunds:

  • Refund eligibility depends on cancellation timing and subscription type.
  • Most plans offer a full refund within 14 days of purchase.
  • Check Adobe’s refund policy for detailed information.


  • Keep a record of your cancellation confirmation email for reference.
  • Double-check your account page after cancellation to ensure the process is complete.

Canceling your Dreamweaver subscription is a straightforward process through the Adobe account page, with timely verification and a thorough understanding of refund policies enhancing the user experience.

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