How to Cancel DrivEd
To cancel an assignment in the Percipio platform, which is similar to what you might need for a product like DrivEd, follow these steps:
Canceling an Assignment for All Users and Audiences
- From the left navigation bar, select Learning > Assignments. This will display the Assignments page.
- Locate the In Progress or Scheduled assignment you wish to cancel.
- Select Cancel for all.
- In the confirmation box, you can opt to notify the users by selecting Notify user.
- After you select Yes, cancel assignment, Percipio immediately cancels the assignment and, if selected, sends an email notification to the learners informing them that the assignment was canceled.
Canceling an Assignment for Selected Users or Audiences
- From the left navigation bar, select Learning > Assignments. This will display the Assignments page.
- Locate the In Progress or Scheduled assignment you wish to cancel.
- From the Action menu, select Summary. The assignment summary page will display.
- Select either the Manage Users or the Manage Audiences tab, depending on whether you are canceling an individual user or an audience.
- You can cancel an individual user who was added as part of an audience from the Manage Users tab.
- Identify those in the list that should be canceled.
- For an individual user or audiences, from the Action menu, select Cancel assignment.
- If you want to select more than one individual or audience, first select Bulk Actions, then select each user or audience, and then select the cancel action that applies.
- In the confirmation box, you can opt to notify the users by selecting Notify user.
- After you select Yes, cancel assignment, Percipio immediately cancels the assignment and, if selected, sends an email notification to the learners informing them that the assignment was canceled.
Important Notes
- Canceling an assignment is irreversible and the assignment is non-recoverable.
- Once canceled, the assignment is no longer completable for those learners who have not finished it.
- You cannot report on canceled assignments.
- Learners can remove a canceled assignment from their Assignment list by selecting the trashcan icon.
User Roles
Site Admins can cancel any In Progress or Scheduled assignment.
Learning Admins can cancel In Progress or Scheduled assignments they created for their audiences and the learners within their audiences.