How to Cancel Ensosleep
To cancel your use of the EnsoSleep product, you need to follow these steps carefully:
Ending the Agreement
- You can end the End User License Agreement (EULA) by stopping use of and deleting all copies of the EnsoSleep application and related documents.
Steps to Cancel
Stop Using the Application: Cease all use of the EnsoSleep application immediately.
Delete Application and Documents: Remove and delete all copies of the EnsoSleep application and any related documents from your systems.
Terminate Access: Ensure that all access credentials and any submissions you or others have made on the application are no longer used.
Consequences of Cancellation
- Once the EULA is ended, the license to use the application also ends, and you may not continue to use the EnsoSleep application.
- You will not be eligible for a refund for any fees or charges you paid for the application.
- EnsoData reserves the right to delete your account along with all your account’s information and stop your access to the application without notice.
Additional Considerations
- If you have any disputes, you are required to first contact EnsoData and make a good faith effort to resolve the dispute before resorting to more formal means of resolution.
- You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold EnsoData harmless from and against all liability, claims, losses, expenses, damages, and costs related to or arising out of your use of the application.
By following these steps, you will effectively cancel your use of the EnsoSleep product and terminate the associated EULA.